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Your top 5 characters of 2011

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1. Avery Bailey Clark, Y&R- There is no other character on soaps who I have found more interesting or compelling this year than Avery. Jessica Collins is just FIERCE in this part, which on paper sounds like generic soap casting in a generic soap role. But Collins plays the hell out of every scene and is showing the Y&R cast a thing or two about making sh!t writing interesting and compelling. I tune in mainly to watch her hone her skill, as there isn't much else worth watching on Y&R.

2. Alice Horton, DAYS- She and her portrayer may be long gone but the DAYS writing staff is proving that viewers are still very much interested in her. I'm not sure the current storyline would have worked with any other deceased matriarch on any other current or cancelled soap. But the Alice story keeps me tuning in and hungry for more. Kudos MarDar!

3. JR Chandler, AMC- JR was the trainwreck that you just couldn't take your eyes off of in 2011. AMC took a HUGE chance writing his ending the way they did and Jacob Young ran with it. He gave a haunting, unapologetically dark performance that will be remembered for years to come. I think we can safely say that no character has ever had or will ever have an exit story as brave and true to character as JR's was. And I LOVED IT!

4. Diane Jenkins, Y&R- Like Carl said, Diane epitomizes everything that's wrong with Y&R right now. Maura West as Diane Jenkins should have been a HOME RUN and could have been had she not been turned into the slut of Genoa City. And then once the men of Genoa City are through with her, MAB kills her off, basically saying the role (and ergo Maura) just wasn't working? For shame. If it looks like a disaster and walks like a disaster, it's MAB's Y&R. Either bring Maura back or get her on another soap please. I don't want Maura's last daytime role to be this....this.....I can't even find the words to describe the abomination of what Y&R did to the divine Ms. West.

5. Nicole Walker, DAYS- Nicole is a character who probably should have lasted 6-9 months in Salem and here she is, a DECADE later, and she's one of (if not THE) most entertaining characters in the cast. Arianne Zuker plays the role with such zest that it's hard not to love the conniving wench. Not only do we love the b!tch, but we actually feel for her and sympathize with her, something I'm not sure would have happened with a different actress or on a different show. Here's hoping we get another decade of Nicole's one-liners spat out with Martini breath.

Honorable Mentions: Victor Kiriakis & Maggie Horton, DAYS, Jill Foster Abbott, Y&R, Nina Webster, Y&R, Lisa Niles, GH, Marlena Evans, DAYS, Erica Kane, AMC, Todd Manning, OLTL, Cord & Tina Roberts, OLTL, David Hayward, AMC, Adam Chandler & Brooke English, AMC, Vivian Alamain, DAYS

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