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AMC: Monday, August 1st

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ICAM! I loved the Dixie/Erica scenes and I don't mind Dixie being mute so far. This is the best this show has been in ages!

I like Project Orpheus because so many soap characters have come back from the dead on so many shows and I've never seen a head writer try to tie it all together like this. If the show were ending (and not going online), this would've been a brilliant way to wrap things up with all the couples reuniting, imo.

No, we all would not, please don't try to speak for all of us!

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I do feel that Dixie's importance on this show has been overly inflated the last three to four times she has returned. I think the last return that held weight with me personally for her was the one of the 05/06 year during Christmas and the Mardi Gras ball and the other time when we didn't know if Di was Dixie which happened a couple months before. Now it just feels like a joke every time they bring her back be it a dream, hallucination or even when they try and do a legitimate return like now. But I do believe Dixie holds more meaning, relevance and value to this show then the likes of Marian or Annie do at this moment and she has for quite a while.

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This is precisely what turned me off. "So many soap characters have come back from the dead on so many shows..." EXACTLY. Which is what made me find this whole night of the living dead where everyone is all of a sudden resurrected due to the mad machinations of cartoonish Dr. Hayward a complete joke.

I was watching live the day Dixie did her Zombie Stanky Leg in the park in front of Kathy. I was over it! Cheap's sub-title several episodes back capsulated it well. To paraphrase, the show is now dopplegangers, zombies and jiffy pop lesbians. Nothing that I, as a one time avid fan of this show, am even remotely bothering to become emotionally invested in. I keep checking the threads day after day, hoping for something that will hook me, but nope. 36 posts of "I hate Griffin and MasCara" interspersed with "this show ROCKS because of FLASHBACKS!!!" with a dash of "mmmm let me jiz over Jacob Young's (non-)ass!" don't leave me with very much hope.

What about this whole Hubbard/Dead baby switch? Is Angie supposed to find out, roar upon Jesse's head, then come to an understanding and have it all wrapped up within the next month?! :rolleyes: Or is Dixie's mute ass and bowling ball knockers still chewing up time?

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This is dead-on although I personally do like the Orpheus storyline if for no other reason than the fact that it is a portal back to a reminiscent version of AMC I fell in love with back in the late 90's and early 00's. I don't give a damn about the current storylines though honestly and the only compelling drama happens as a result of storylines that come from yester-year. The only thing that is making me watch this show is the returns of various characters that defined a better AMC.

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