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OLTL: Discussion for the week June 7

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OOOOH! I jumped when Dorian threw up fists! "Insult me, but NOT my house." :lol:

Starr: I can't believe I just told that to a total stranger. (i.e., Wow, we like immediately have this connection, I don't know you even five seconds and I feel like I can tell you anything, reveal my deepest darkest thoughts and secrets. You are my Edward. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: )

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In all fairness Aurrrrelia, Dorian didn't exactly raise Langston during her formative years, no one did really.

I don't like them having Tea go for the Latino boy angle, that's amo for ignorant white fans.

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Yes really LOL. He has a nice body and all, but Im not interested in the face. He does look like David Gregory though who I am just not attracted to anymore, because of how Ford has been written. In real life, it would be different of course.

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I take issue with the way Tea approached it, like, "I'm pulling the race card to win. Even if race isn't really[/y] the issue here." I think some people see even a fictional character do that and think, "See, that's what 'they' do..." Do you know what I'm saying? I'm not trying to make light of the realities, I just would have written it a little differently, like have Tea press John on the issue but not threaten him with it.

It's kinda messed up that Markko's parents immediately assumed he was guilty. :lol:

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First there's no such thing as the race card.

Second arresting a kid like Markko & holding him based on the circumstantial evidence John has thus far is definitely enough for Tea to make a good argument against the reasoning behind John & Llanview PD's handling of Markko's case.

It reflects a LOT of people's reality, so what's the issue?

People who think like that are gonna think like that regardless.

They don't need a soap to justify their bigotry.

Tea handled it fine.

John was much more lax with Cole than Markko & Cole committed a far more serious offense in front of witnesses.

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