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AMC: Wednesday, July 29, 2009

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I have to hand it to Chip Hayes. I do tend to enjoy his dialogue between Adam and Erica -- not to mention his one liners. Didn't enjoy the Rebecca Taylor-esque scenes between that horrible Zendall, though.

Kendall: I killed Stuart!

Zach: Stop saying that! You didn't!

Kendall: Zach, I know I did! There's no other choice!

Zach: Stop saying that! You didn't!

Kendall: I know I did. There's no other explanation!

Zach: You didn't kill Stuart! You gotta quit saying that!

Kendall: But that's the only logical explanation! I killed Stuart!

Zach: NO! You didn't!

But I do have to say I literally laughed out loud when Erica was rattling on and on about Emma's elaborate plot to carry out Annie's brainwashed idea that Annie didn't shoot Stuart with intricate psychological detail, and Adam looks at her and says: "Children don't really think that way, do they?"

I WAS DEAD! :lol: I was thinking the exact same thing listening to Erica draw out this elaborate train of thought... for a SEVEN YEAR OLD!

Jake, take a bus ride to hell! Don't forget to pick up Zendall at the corner of Sit and Spin.

Ugh! Jesse. Does he wear the same outfit ALL the time?

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My problem is why we're expected to feel any kind of sympathy or rooting value for Kendall -- when that disgusting Zendall spent days orchestrating their Murder Pact. Then, the minute Ian flat lined, they didn't even grieve! They just took off to commit murder. Then, at the last minute, she supposedly couldn't go through with it (after practically salivating about it for days), and now we're supposed to be cheering for Kendall to be exonerated? I'm sorry, but these two are disgusting. Who does that, counting down the seconds when until their son dies so they can kill someone?

ETA: Jesse is also disgusting. I guess that's what you get for hiring a man who's been "dead" for 20 years to be Police Chief a month after he's resurrected. Again -- why is Jesse involved in this case? He's the CHIEF OF POLICE!!! Not a homicide detective!

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R --- WORD!

The only person I'm rooting for in this storyline is Annie.

Even in the other storylines...Jesse has taken over the role of Zach almost, and Randi isn't even worth caring about.

I am liking Tad/Taylor though, but that is really low key right now.

On a positive note... I just read next week's previews and we'll be getting more MARIAN and her revenge! :) :) :)

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Ugh. Plus TK just yells, smugs or zombies his way through scenes.

R speaks true. I am a Kane Woman fan and can still be a Kendall fan, but just don't have any sympathy for this situation of Zendall's creation. They planned on murdering for revenge when one son was literally flatlining and another at home. Let's teach our children how to handle life's adversities by---Killing. Touching, isn't it? Zach even said himself in the last day or so, he and Kendall made a "good choice" in setting out to murder Adam. Bleh.

As for the relations between men and women:

Zach says stay and sit to Kendall day after day. *woof*

Jake says stay and sit to Amanda day after day. *woof*

Liza the Hotshot attorney cannot handle her crying newborn child so is desperately looking for help in soothing the child from Jake. She then hands the child over to David to rock, the supposed world's most determined stealer of babies? Gag.

Taylor the hard-edged soldier, now is a baby-sitter in a kidnapping scheme for her boyfriend.

I admit I haven't really given Tad and Taylor a chance because I am FFing their scenes.

Marian coming back and doing what she is spoiled to do? At least she's truly pissed about Stuart's murder and the lack of justice instead of worrying about Kendall's well-being and freedom above all else.

Jesse being Zach's puppet? I hate it! Inept soap police are a staple, I know. I just don't want a bought-and-paid-by-the-mob-police, especially an important character like Jesse.

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He definitely knows. I think Reese told Ryan ages ago, and he still didn't care. He blamed Reese and Zach for Greenlee's death, because -- according to his ignorant logic -- if they hadn't kissed, Kendall nor Greenlee would've been on the road that night.

You know... nevermind the fact that Ryan went to Greenlee and canceled their wedding and LIED saying Reese and Zach were sleeping together.

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