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Y&R: Week of February 16, 2009

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Sorry Warrior, but nobody indicated that she was leaving (we are all aware that there's something holding them back). I don't see who said that. We just stated our opinion of the two actresses. And we never come up with random theories, we just know what acting should be in your minds. It's as simple as that.

It's not Bryton's fault that the writers just refuse to write for his character. He had a little story when he first came in 2004, then a short bit with Yolanda in town, a little bit with ending up in the hospital in 2006, then Ana reveal in 2008. All together it doesn't even make that long. I wish they would invest more, but that clearly isn't their intention.

You could see the doubt about Kay developing in Jana and Daniel. They were both on the verge of not believing Kay, and it's really not that surprising.

But of course Amber and Kevin believed. There are just some things that Marge couldn't copy even if she studied Kay.

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I don't see anyone calling her a "lead". I certainly don't think of her as that. In fact I think the entire younger cast really just serves as support for the middle age and vet group to be honest.

So even though this whole Chloe storyline is front and center I don't think of Chloe or Lily as leading actresses. Maybe they're heading that way but right now lead is for people like Ashley, Nikki, Victor, Jack, Sharon, Phyllis, etc...

Your final point is noted. I just think the whole "rolls eye" thing was just a little too much. There's a difference between merely expressing an opinion as opposed to deriding another members opinion with such a dismissive tone.

@ dmarex

The whole Tammin leaves and suddenly she's "fired" or "about to be fired" thing happens constantly. Before I joined I saw it in every single Y&R thread on a weekly basis. I'm not gonna name people cuz that would be dumb but it's happened before. And it's always thrown out there every week as some sorta bait for y&r _fan....

As far as Devon the character just doesn't serve a purpose right now. I would love to have more diversity on soaps but not stale boring diversity.

As it is Neil is just dead weight to me. When they give Neil a backbone and have him leave Newman to make his OWN company and have his own struggles against the others in the corporate world and in the boardroom then I'll give a damn about the character. However his role is just as sidekick to TGVN and I'm just sick of it to be honest.

At least when Dru was on the show Neil was semi interesting. Now it's either he's all about Lily or he's all about Tyra...GMAB.

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They could easily write Daniel out as going to Paris to study art, should MG leave. I really don't understand the purpose of paying someone just to waste them until their contract runs out. That is unless the actor/character is not very popular with the audience and having them on risks viewership. Somehow I don't see that being the case with MG. I think it is more to do with the current writers, not really knowing what to do with the younger set, besides musical partners. Unfortunately giving them all careers as artisans, limits their ability to interact in Jabot and Newman storylines. I do however think that Y&R should pursue a fashion angle and show B&B how it can be done. Lauren could be involved, as well as Jana, Amber, Chloe and Daniel.

Have Amber and Chloe ever had a scene together? I could see the two of them actually being friends and honorary members of the ex wives of Cane club

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Amber was basically Chole's only friend on the show for her first few months. They bonded over their Lily hate. Though at the time, Amber was trying to reform, and Chole was scheming to get Cane away from Lily. But Chole did support Amber in her quest to win Daniel back.

The two haven't interacted in a while though, since Amber's been heavily involved with Katherine, and Chole's off in her own storyline.

I do think they're setting something up for a possible Amber and Kevin affair, which I wouldn't mind. I think Adrienne and Greg have chemistry together.

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Trust us, after hoping so many times that it would happen, we've all run out of energy where that is concerned. We had to somehow learn to live with the fact that for some strange reason they're keeping here there. The mere reason is because she's a dayplayer. It's someone used to fill out a scene (which could easily be filled out with someone else). Even during Brad's death storyline, they kept her appearances in every episode very short. There's a reason there.

The main point is... Colleen (as a character) should not be treated as a dayplayer. The character doesn't deserve it. They went so far as to change her personality just so that she could fit some dayplayer role.

I loved their little friendship thing, short as it was.

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It's been so long since they've interacted that I forgot all about it. It would be good if Amber could be a support to Chloe in the upcoming

since Amber has been there and done that.

While I think that Amber and Kevin would be hot, I kinda like the tension staying that way for a long time. Maybe it's because I like both Jana and Kevin and Amber and Daniel and don't want that destroyed for a fling that will burn out once the forbidden aspect wears off. Although, a work around could be the quad having an orgy or start swinging together. I could just see those four being open minded enough to try it but would the audience have a meltdown?

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I wonder how long her contract is, and really, since she's so interested in doing outside projects, I can't see her wanting to stay when her contract is up, despite what she may say in interviews or whatever.

We'll see how long, in this trouble economy, they continue to pay her a contractual salary for a measly 3-5 appearances a month for throwaway scenes.

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