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2009: The Directors and Writers Thread

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My apologies to detroitpiston, too. I think I just read into your post(s) something that wasn't actually there. (What can I say? I'm distracted by all the BARF'ing coming my way this evening. ;))

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Wow! Y'all know more about her than I do! :unsure: I was just trying to say that I knew writers Fred and Frederick Johnson were different because one was black and one was white!

But I can say that the last time I spoke to Ray one-on-one was in the Toyota on the way to Vazzy's to pick up food back in 1999. She told me she was in the middle of writing an Everybody Loves Raymond spec. So I can at least understand Khan's POV about the fact the writing for one show has nothing to do with writing for another show. I have no idea about a second spin off to Family Guy.

God, do I regret putting her name up here. Khan, damn you! I tried to PM you this info but you don't accept PM's! :P

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Nah, I turned mine off after one post-er threatened to expose another's hypocrisy on the board with them. I'm paranoid enough w/o the threat of someone getting all Watergate on my ass, lol.

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That's pretty much B&B, in a nutshell. They're vapid, they're self-absorbed, but gosh, they're just so darn BOLD and BEAUTIFUL!

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I heard JER liked to tell his breakdown writers that if they could, stretch out their breakdowns to multiple episodes (ie. if you can turn 1 episode into 3, do it). I still don't understand how that works and how you can possible track that. LOL

And in return, I am loyal to them. They're all good in my book. :)

Word. Hogan made a huge mistake by getting rid of her. You know you're truly talented when you can constantly write great scripts through multiple regimes. And I still can't believe she wrote the script for Zach's death, just a few years after losing her young daughter in the same way Zach died. SLG is awesome.

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