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ATWT: Week of December 29, 2008

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LOL about the Jade comment. Seriously, I tuned today and didnt know who NuMaddie was at first.

Let's just hope that Johnny story doesnt last too long. It looks like its moving at a faster speed than before. I hate the story as well. So anyone(meaning Josie) can just go to hospital and see who worked(is working) at the hospital? And why wasnt Chris pic on the directory?? Hughes does come before Montgomery. :rolleyes:

He could be Jennifer's son but hate NuJohnny too. I just am so sick of the character. It was pushed down our throats so much last time that I am sick of it! I could care less what happens to Johnny or Lulu.

Glad you did that. I doubt they will pair Van with someone else. Of course Nuke will never have sex together. If they do it will appear like they did to the audience without actually showing the scenes.

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Two words that will make your skin crawl: Cabot. Montgomery.

Psh, I'm actually positive that we'll get a scene soon in which either Luke or Noah mention in passing that they've already had sex together. Or maybe just a wink wink nudge nudge mention. "Noah and I spent the night together a couple of months ago" or some flowery stuff like that.

I was looking at some of Marlena De Lacroix's columns and I came across a recent ATWT one and I just have to say that I think she hit the nail on the head with these comments:

There have been too many times when I've come out of an episode that I've truly enjoyed thinking that somehow the show was beginning to turn itself around. But nope, the very next day, we'll get Paul and Meg all hour long. It bugs me to no end because I want to be able to just write the show off, but I can't, because there's always that possibility of a good episode popping up.

Speaks for itself, basically. I like this storyline because of exactly what she said. It's old-fashioned, but there's this great modern twist. That's what I think ATWT should be. It should keep those old-fashioned types of storylines, but modernize them so that they're contemporary and not same old, same old. Luke/Brian/Lucinda could be shades of any mother/boyfriend/daughter or father/girlfriend/son storyline from the past, but there's also a whole new dimension with it.

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LMAO! So true! I've never seen a show with more recasts. and imo they get worse each time. I really have no interest in investing in any of these recasts. They aren't as good as the originals and they won't be around for long. It seems with every recast the character changes so dramatically. There isn't a hint of the original character. Is it the bad acting or the writing. I think it's both. :rolleyes:

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I agree it was very hot! Luke was all over Brian. Brian was so enjoying it as he let Luke take charge. It was hotter than any kiss Luke and Noah had.

Now to the show....

Loved seeing Lucinda and her fight with Jade.

Luke again getting his hissy fit jealousy over seeing Noah and Maddie together. Are you [!@#$%^&*] kidding me? :lol: And Luke said it was so good to be in love earlier...LOL Oh and Luke gets drunk with just 2 champagne glasses? :P

I want more Brian and Luke scenes. They have better scenes together. Noah and Luke fall short. I doesn't help that Jake Silberman brings down Van Hansis acting.

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Trying calling their hot line too. It doesn't hurt. But be polite when giving them Luke and Brian in 09. Don't get all hysterical like the Nuke fans...LOL.

I see a LOT of storyline potential with Brian and Luke if the writers change their minds and go that route.

Thank You Binky! :D

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People that are against Nuke,I would be careful though. I can see P&G trying to spin your hate mail for Nuke as viewers not wanting to see a same-sex relationship.....

The destruction of Nuke can also be a double edged sword. I am fine with Nuke, its the writing and the actor (Noah) that I have a problem with. If Nuke got better writing (along with the rest of the show) and Noah was recasted, then maybe magic can truly be found.

But if they keep wrting Nuke this way, and keep Jake then Im all for their demise, but I jus hope P&G won't spin it in that kind of way.

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We've got to say we are all for a same sex pairing. We are just not in favor of the Nuke one. Either that or send cans to CBS and Goutman saying...."Can Silberman and recast Noah" :D I am all for a recast Noah...bring it on! Silberman is just awful in the role.

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