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Y&R: The Year 2000

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The episodes airing in french are from 2000, but I don't know what month/episode this is. I'm gonna keep track of the episode writer and directors by trying to match what's happening on screen to SoapCentral's episode archive. :)

Here's what happened in today's ep:

Jack/Nikki are together

Billy/Mac/Raul - Raul's with Mac......Billy made popcorn, they both went to grab it some and their hands touched

It sounded like Tony's dead already. At Crimson Lights, Sharon told Grace that Tricia was the one responsible for Tony's death.

Victor set up this dinner for Ashley and Ashley told him something beacuse at the end of the episode, Victor was all sad/disappointed.

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Keep a watching eye, though, Toups.

TF 1 - the French network which has Y&R dubbed - decided to come closer to the US some years ago and therefore for about 2 years was skipping every 5th episode or so. So don't be surprised if there are missing episodes due to never being dubbed into French...

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Thanks, DD. Damn, the just missed the takeover. :(

So in today's episode, Gary (RPG) has a Victoria shrine and is hearing voices. Why is he obsessed with Victoria and why is he hearing a woman's voice, who is she? (But don't tell what's going to happen. ;))

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So, Gary and Victoria were in love? Why is he obsessed with her then? Are they broken up at this point? How did they meet?

It's also great seeing crazy Tricia again. Sabryn :wub: She's beautiful and talented. It's a shame she's not acting anymore. :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Indeed they were! I saw the scenes in the treehouse and it was intense! Noel Maxam did a fabulous job on the episode that ended with Gary forcing Victoria to drink the drugged water (?) and Nick/Paul climbed up the treehouse. There so many different angles and closeups in this episode - it was amazing!

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I so wanted to see the takeover again. I missed it by a year. :(

But I'm looking forward to the prom, which should be airing in a couple of months, and I think the Matt Clarke story is just starting - Warton just got a call from someone.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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The prom is almost here! Lauren arrived with a few prom dresses and at the end of today's episode, Mac found the right prom dress and "Closer" by The Corrs was playing during the little montage.

It was also Cassie's birthday party where Nick/Sharon announced that Cassie was officially adopted. And then Cassie made a speech about how happy she was which made me a sad knowing what will happen to her. :( Damn you, Jack Smith!!!

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