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AMC/LOV: Ceara & Jeremy

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Does anyone have a good history synopsis of what went down with Jeremy and Ceara when they made the move to Loving? What the primary character motivation to make the move. I know Ceara was in Corinth, left for the Uk, came back and was shot. Gwen eventually killed Jer.

I want to add their LOV histories to their AMC bios at the History Project. Also, if anyone has any good pictures of them from that time, please feel free to share.

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I'm afraid I don't know enough details really... The first time they went was in Nov of 1991-- Ceara went I think cuz Jeremy and she were having difficulty in their relationship (this was just at the end of her incest story I think...) She stayed with the Rescott mother I'm *pretty* sure (I have two eps on tape) and Jeremy came to track her down. At one point Ally or one of tyhe younger new characters locked them in a shed so they'd talk. There was a teen drug story going on at the same time (a runaway teenager, his dad was a priest or something who had raped some girls and the kid was blamed and got onto drugs to cover his emotions) and Ceara went to court to help.

Then they went back to Pine Valley (where I think they had next to no story) and the whole major Summer Loving/AMC crossover week started (month if you start with Dinah Lee and Hannah coming to Myrtle Fargate's boarding house) where Jeremy, Trevor, etc, all went to Loving for a week to hunt down Carter Jones. After this Jeremy was offered a job at Corinth U and agreed to it and very soon after moved there--Ceara was already in the UK visiting her family. She came back to Corinth (not the actress you nevr saw her) and as she was leaving the train I think (I guess from Pine Valley) she was shot.

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Here's information on the 1991 crossover. The six week crossover lasted from late October/early November through early December.

On "All My Children", Ceara had a pregnancy scare. While waiting for the results, she has a dream in which her father told her that both Jeremy and the baby would abandon her. When she learned she wasn't pregnant, Ceara decided to end things with Jeremy because she didn't think she would make a good parent. Ceara decided to stay with an old friend, Kate Rescott. Jeremy was offered the job of artist-in-residency at Alden University by Trisha Alden. Neither of the two realized they would be in Corinth.

When Ceara arrived in Corinth and on "Loving", she met Matt Ford, who had run away from home several months earlier. Ceara bonded with the young man because he was finally enjoying a life not dictated by his violent stepfather, a situation Ceara was all to familiar with. Despite an obvious age differene, Matt's girlfriend Ally Rescott was jealous of the atteintion Ceara gave Matt. Kate's daughters Carly and Ava also didn't care much for their mother's border. Around the same time, Jeremy arrived in Corinth and "Loving" to accept the position at Alden Enterprises and listened to Trisha Alden as she discussed her and Trucker's marital woes.

At this point, the synopses I have cut out. I'd speculate it was revealed that Matt was an accused rapist and the trial endured. Considering she was a decent person, Ceara presumably stayed in Corinth to see her new friend through this tragic ordeal. Pure speculation, but I think the Ceara/Matt relationship was probably suppose to help Ceara get over her fear of being a good mother as their relationship is more parent-child in nature since it's clear Ally's jealousy is unfounded. I'd also assume that Jeremy quit his job before leaving town in December.

Later, Ceara and Jeremy bonded in Corinth around the time of Matt's trial (the November sweeps storyline). After it was over, Jeremy proposed to Ceara in Corinth. Once she acepted, Ceara made plans with Jeremy to return to Pine Valley.

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Thanks for clearing that up--it all sounds right (wasn't Ally already a Rescott at this point? did they just weird that article weirdly?)

ANyway when Jeremy returned after the Carter Jones story, Ceara/Geenie Francis had already really left (I believe for GH?) and the actress/character was never signed for Loving--so it was no surprise when she was killed essentially off camera although I can't remember how or why she died... (I did feel, after we watched her a year later go thru all that trauma with the incest memories and overcome it, that it was kinda cruel to have her killed off)

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Sorry, I typed up the information quickly and should have proofread it. Hopefully, the edited version makes a little more sense.

Ally was always a Rescott. Her father John Rescott was Kate's son. :P

I have some semi-daily plot synopses for Loving on another computer. I know Ceara was killed in December 1992. She had arrived home just before Christmas, or New Years, to see Jeremy. There was a phootshoot going on at the airport for Burnell's department store just as Butler, the man involved in an illegal dealing with Leo Burnell, was about to be caught at the airport. There was a shootout and a woman was shot. Jeremy was shocked to see that it was Ceara.

The Carter Jones storyline was definitely in October 1992. After her affair with Trucker ended, Dinahlee had hooked up with Clay Alden, Trisha's father. Dinahlee was disappointed when Clay left her and town in the summer of 1992. A disappointed Dinahlee slept around, stripped at the opening of a community center, and then received a letter that she may have been infected with an STD. At the suggestion of Kate Rescott, Dinahlee went to see Myrtle Fairgate (an old friend of Kate's) in Pine Valley. Dinahlee ran into an old acquaintance Carter Jones, they had grown up together, and when Carter followed Dinahlee out of town, Jeremy (who had met Dinahlee during her stay in Pine Valley) had visions of Dinahlee being in danger. Carter learned of Alden family jewels and was planning on stealing them during the Harvest Ball. Carter had agreed to go as Ally's date, for reasons I cannot recall (maybe Ally was going to be wearing the jewels?). Ally did it to make Casey jealous.

Jeremy also arrived for the ball and I believe it was there that he was offered the position of dean of Alden University. Around the same time, Stacey Forbes, who had published a novel about her torrid affair with cousins Jack Forbes and Rick Alden, was asked to teaching a writing course at Alden University. I believe Jeremy claimed to ready her novel, which I believe was suppose to be in the vein of the Danielle Steele variety. Jeremy and Stacey began to hang out a lot at the university and Jeremy was a comfort to Stacey, who had lost her husband in a boating accident. Jeremy was accused of sexual harassment by Alden University student Hannah Mayberry, but the complaint eventually got dropped.

In the spring of 1993, Jeremy became involved in the drama of Shana, Leo, and Ava. When Ava faked a pregnancy to keep Leo by her side, it was Jeremy who convinced her it was a bad idea and to let Jeremy go. Jeremy and Ava became involved. There big storyline was being chased by "General Hospital" transplant villain Faison through the park. Supposedly, the actors had oodles of chemistry, but there storyline was a stinker. In September, Ava's ex-husband Alex Masters arrived in town to bring down an arsonist and stayed to romance Ava again. Ava and Jeremy drifted apart.

In early 1994, Jeremy opened an advertsing agency with Stacey Forbes and Tess Wilder. Meanwhile, Jeremy became involved with Gwyn Alden and helped her come to grips with her age as she went through menopause. It was Jeremy who was pushing Gwyn to assert herself and to become independent from the Aldens. Most of the time, Jeremy was involved in drama at the advertising agency. Most of the time, Jeremy was regulated to the show's secondary plots rather than being featured front and center.

In August 1994, Jeremy was kidnapped by his twin brother Gilbert. Gilbert took his place and managed to bed Ava, who had become the owner of Burnell's as a payoff because of Alden family cheating the Sowlowskys out of a fortune.

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Ah the Gilbert stuff--I'm all for crazy twins but that was a bit much (especially since the acrtor had the exact same accent for both--though I guess Gilbert was french canadian too...)

Thanks for that--it makes more sense that the crossover with Carter was in the Fall of 1992 as I know I was in school (I would watch AMC at lunch but started taping Loving, at 11:30 specifically then, before I only caught it when I was home for some reason). I saved so many of my old soap tapes from around then it drives me crazy my two tapes of most of that crossover are nowhere to be found--youtube used to have one of the very end with Trevor going to Pins and tackling Carter, but that's all I've found. I still remember the scene between Trevor and Shana where he commented on feeling sorry for whoever married that "broad" and she said something similar--of course they were married in real life.

And yeah the Jeremy and Ava run through Universal Studios Florida (ie this was before ABC was owned by Disney or it woulda been Disney-MGM studios or something) with King Kong kidnapping Ava was beyond silly--though it might have helped if I had some idea who Faison was.

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Of course, a lot of of this was dictated by behind-the-scenes mechanations. The Jeremy/Ceara pairing were very popular on AMC, and Genie liked being on AMC. I believe that the writers had years of story planned for them. Then ABC decided they wanted Genie back at GH, so they fired her from AMC.

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I remember from Genie's intimate portrait that Agnes approached Genie, and created the role of Ceara. They played with pairing Ceara with Jack, and David and something clicked with Jeremy. Which was good b/c Jeremy was kind of floating around the canvas after Trevor and Natalie were paired together. Genie did not want to leave AMC, but tptb at GH forced their hand because they wanted a big L&L reunion. At the end of the day, Genie was worth more as Laura than she was Ceara.

I wonder how different things would be at AMC if tptb at ABC did not force their hand. I could see Genie and Jean lasting at AMC until at least the 1998. Jeremy would still have had so many connections to the canvas. I can imagine they would only get more as he was very popular. His move to LOV was such a career killer. He went from one of the most recognizable faces in Daytime, to an after thought.

I could see an eventual pairing of Adam/Ceara. They were always trying to put Ceara in Erica's way. I think the two schemers would have been a natural fit. Of course, that prbly would have meant we would never have gotten a Glo/Adam pairing. I could also see the relationship with Erica and Myrtle not developing to the degree that it has. Myrtle would have had a very close family member in town, and most of here scenes would prbly be between the two.

Oh well, missed opportunities. GH did benefit greatly from the return of the Spencers. Imagine a GH without Jonathan Jackson!

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I was a preteen at the time, but I remember rumblings that they were grooming scheming Ceara to be "the new Erica". This was around the time that Susan Lucci was doing Dallas and cranking out the TV movies, everyone wondered (feared!) that primetime would lure her away. Looking back, it's kind of hard to imagine that Susan would EVER leave the show, I don't know if we ever had good reason to worry. But Genie Francis was such a big deal in daytime, it makes you wonder if they were playing it safe.

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Slight correction, AMC History. Ceara was Myrtle's grand-niece. Claudia was Myrtle's niece.

Little useless trivia about the origin of the Ceara charater: She was originally supposed to be named Allison. The show had been floating that name around for a while (Hayley, who had been introduced the previous year was originally supposed to be named Allison) and was going to use it for Genie's character. At the last minute, they changed her character's name to Ceara, which is the name of Agnes's real-life niece. I think the only character named Allison was Allison Sloane, the daugher of Liz Sloane, Edmund's 1994/1995 tryst.

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