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Your Plan to Save Days...

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This is a slippery slope.

Really, Days ceased being Days when it became a GH rip off in the early 80's. Days ceased to exist in it's true form about 2 years after Bill Bell left as a consultant.

That being said, the show has kept me entertained some years (83-88 and again 93-98....I also liked the B&C years, and the end of Hogans tenure)

I would find a good realistic based writer to head-write, but hire back JER as a consultant.

I would like to see the Hortons make a comeback.

I would like to see Stefano written as a villan, but not so campy.

no more sci-fi. It's killed it. Like it or not, most people don't take this show seriously because of it.

That being said, I would steer clear of social issues for now. The show has to get it's credibility back before trying it. AND, it hasn't done social issues well since the 80's, and no one can deny that.

More adventure, gush it up with some location shoots. TRY to find a new reason for an adventure thouigh. I'm tired of trying to find someones secret past, or hunting down dead spouses. If it takes introducing a new main character, find something new to do.

Stop CATERING!!! Stop it. Just don't do it. Let Jack and Jennifer, John and Marlena, Bo and Hope, Steve and Kayla, Lumi, EJami, and all the other loud fanbases get over it. As a long time viewer, I see the effects of it.

It's killed the show more than JERs sci-fi, and Denas borish crap ever did.

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Here is my view on how I would write days. Tell me what you guys think...

SAMI: I never liked the character of lucas. After some time under house arrest, Lucas goes crazy. One day while taking care of Ali,Lucas goes and tries to pick her up. But Ali is use to EJ and gets cranky and by accident drops her. Ali dies of a blow to the head. However, people don't know for some time that lucas droped her,its ruled as homicide while cops tries to figure it out. Lucas makes it as someone tried to break into the mansion. Lucas also hurts himself to make things seem right. Due to the dealth of her child, sami has a breakdown. All the years she treated her family and others and this leads sami to go nuts, she starts talking to herself and creates an alter ego. Family sends sami to a clinic and even tries to bring back will. However, Will has a secret that keeps to himself. While staying with Carrie and Austin, Will encounters that he is gay after having a fling with a school teacher. Will 16 while teacher was 42. Will has to deal with a deep secret that will eat him up for sometime. While in the hospital, Sami's condition worsens, and she attempts suicide until one night that lucas comes clean to her regarding Ali. In anger, Sami thinks she stabbed Lucas to dealth in the horror of what happened. The courts will pleaded the insanity case, however people will come to see that Sami didn't kill Lucas, in grief to what he confessed that night, lucas actually commited suicide and since Sami wasn't in the right state of mind, she thought she killed him. She will be cleared of murder but however might have to grieve one more time. While at school, bullies starting picking on Will and his sexuality. Two boys trick Will that they are gay and bring him to a old mill. While at the mill, the two boys beat Will into a coma. The truth comes out to everyone that Will is in fact gay. Sami distraught, comes to her sences and tries to regain her life. She accepts Will sexuality and fights for rights against gay teens. With all this, EJ is there for Sami and a bond finally comes bw them. EJ is supportive of Will however Sami thinks that his teacher might have raped her son with booze. Both EJ and Sami will try to bring justice to Will when Will Discover he has aids.

Tell me what you guys think.

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