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Y&R: Week of July 07, 2008

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I am going to approach August from a safe side. I don't want to be too excited about. It's better to just think about the show as it was during the last few months, and then get surprised when things start cooking up in a good way.

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Have you tried it lately? CBS' player is MUCH improved. They did something 1-2 months ago...it is now reliable, you can easily navigate back and forth, and the screen size is much larger. I hope the affiliates don't mind when I say I actually PREFER it to watching on television. (Exception is Y&R, because on my HDTV, Y&R is like a visual feast from heaven)

Listen...I don't want to "go long", but can I please just EFFUSE about Y&R's Wednesday (US) episode for a minute??? I posted something similar on Usenet and I'm cutting down here. But I haven't been this enthusiastic about an episode since 12/26/07, when we started noting instant style changes. The writers are starting to get their mojo, I think.

(Quick ETA here: The credits were: MAB/ Hamner, Bennett&Gottesfeld, Minardi/ Kanelos!!! That means the much maligned Kanelos in the W&D thread (with whom I have no history, but I know she wrote for Port Charles and had a character named after her there) wrote IMO one of the best episodes in a long time!!!)

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I agree - today's show was awesome. SO many good things I'm excited about happening. Where to begin?

Chloe - she's a devious little witch and i love it. Gloria's shemes got real old so a new vixen is very much needed and Chloe fits the bill. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hope that her "booty-call" is someone we know. My top suspect would be Brad but if they wanted to go for a super-shocker...how bout JT! Plus, since Cane looks like he's going to fire Chloe a lawsuit could be brewing. What doesn't make sense (yet) is that Chloe just set up a whole new working relationship with Lily and Cane - did they make us sit through all that for the whole thing to end? if not, how can they possibly work together?

Victor/Paul/JT - I like this pairing. It makes sense and i cannot wait for the s/l beat when Paul learns about Victor's gripe with Heather and the confrontation between the two. If Nikki were to end up with Paul 9which I'd also like to see), a Newman/Williams feud would be fun. Does Victor even know Heather is Paul's daughter??

Karen/Neil/Tyra/Devon - This is the weak link on the show right now. I know they're setting it up, bit there's nothing interesting at all about this s/l. They can go a lot of ways with this s/l but all paths lead to snooze: Neil sleeps with Tyra, Tyra's ex comes to town and causes trouble for the Winters, Karen and Tyra feud? All boring stuff. They better beef up Karen's character and make her have a soul and some intrigue.

Oh and on the topic of Victor's Magic Sperm - I think that they are going to do a quick throwaway of dialogue to explain this. Vasectomies can cause complications - the most common is a hematoma. The only solution is to reverse the procedure. I think when Nikki eventully finds out, she's going to be the one to say "impossible. not your baby" and so on and he'll say "not that it's any of your business but I had the procedure reversed due to a complication while we were separated, you got that?" and it's done. All the other theories and whispers just seem implausible.

And since no one else says it - I love Y&R, dammit! There's a reason why they're still number 1! And no, my name is not Barbara Bloom :P

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I liked Phyllis too on today's Canadian show. I think a Phyllis/Amber rivalry would be fun. I may not like Amber, but I don't think Phyllis is being wasted on her. I much prefer when the vets and younger actors cross paths, so that way it builds history and character ties to the show.

Oh, and I would love to see Chloe file a lawsuit, that would make things very interesting.

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Same thing here. It just shows that somewhere deep inside of that dark soul there is a bit of a feeling left for dear ol' Nikki. And the Heather/Adam thing should be fun... :)

Nice banner, JackPeyton!

I'm glad my 1,000 post goes to Y&R! :)

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What's the story on Heather's mother? I read that Rebecca Staab was coming on to play her, and I love Staab, but never saw her appearances or heard the backstory. Was it a character that had a history with Paul on-screen previously, or was Heather just made up and written into history after the fact?

Any background on this?

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