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AMC: Monday

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What did Adam do thats so wrong? So he found out about Kate and isnt telling. He isnt obligated to. He's simply minding his own business and staying out of it as he owes Tad nothing, especially after Tad helped keep Colby from him. Its not like Adam is trying to sabotage and prevent Tad from finding Kate. If he were doing that, then I would thin he were in the wrong but he isnt. I really dont see why Adam is being made out to be the villian here when he isnt doing anything to hurt any of them.

And what I also dont get about DixieBitch is why is she wasting all her time haunting Adam and trying to pressure him into telling? She makes NO sense to me. We've seen that she can move things. She brought back the adoption papers and put it where he can see it. She moved the toy giraffe and her photo to where JR and Lil Adam could see. I dont know, why doesnt she place the adoption papers where JR can see so he can go find his sister for Tad? Nah, that would make too much sense. She's having too much fun cackling and torturing Adam to actually use her brain, assuming she's not brain dead as well , no pun intended. Stupid bitch

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So much freaking WORD Cheap!!!!!!!!! B)

Also why would ANYONE believe a word Adam says now that he's in Oakhaven and Tad has seen him talking to "himself"? :blink:

Plus Adam tried to tell Tad a few times already and Tad didn't believe him, so I say pfffttt

This storyline gets stupider and stupider

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Seriously, Tad doesn't deserve to know where Kate is. He isn't owed Kate. He's kept children away from their fathers time and time again -- why does he get to have all of his children? Even JR and Colby who aren't even his?

This is ridiculous. Richard Culliton started some bullshit, McTavish (true to form) took it and ran wild with it, now we're left with B&E's feeble asses to resolve it. :rolleyes:

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Please don't stop on my part please R It's doesn't offend me at all. I totally respect your opinion.

Just because we disagree on Beall doesn't mean I Hate you infact it's the total opposite. I enjoy all your posts and insite and we I happen to agree with you on most things AMC

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