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Days versus OLTL: Interesting Perspective

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I am enjoying Days very much right now. OF course Dena started off strong on OLTL too. She doesn't seem to know how to move a story along. But right now, I like Days.

However, I think Ron C. is the most overrated writer in daytime. OLTL is boring and it is every bit as flooded with his newbies as it was with Dena's. Thank you Ryan for saying that people could criticize Ron C. I have not felt that was the case on this board. I have no interest in visiting the OLTL thread for a discussion on the topic and it would really serve no purpose to go over there and start a fight.

And yes, to those looking for a reason to say, well Jess doesn't like the show because . . . . . . I know what is on my signature (I put it there :P ) and yes it was the final straw for me. Ron C. dropped a character because he wanted to write the same story for his newbie. However, and Ryan you can know this is true because you and I argued, I thought Ron C was boring and unimaginative before he decided he would write for his little newbie and fire a character I enjoyed. So far Ron C. has resurrected the Tina/David story from two decades ago and changed the characters to Natalie and Jared, he has done a really weak rip off of the sitcom Alice, he has brought in a boatload of new characters. Now I will say he gave Viki a boyfriend -- and his prized newbie a father -- and when I was watching, which I won't again, he seemed to give them a little story. I give him credit for that, but that is all.

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Jess I have always respected your opinion. You have been a great person to post with at SON and I am sorry if I ever made you feel like I a) didn't value your opinion or B) like you couldn't have a differing opinion about RC. That genuinely was not my intention and if I ever did that, I apologize.

Like I said, I have alot of respect for you, and I totally understand why you feel the way you do.

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Ryan I like you and I like posting with you. I commented to Roman the other day that moderators have to have tough hides and that I knew that because I have carped at you for no reason. B)

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Y&RWorldTurner, have I ever told you how much I love your posts! They are always so intelligent and make me really have to think.

Jess, even though I don't agree with you, it's nice to know that not every ones an RC lover. I just wish you would post a little more.

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I'm not a regular OLTL watcher, so I don't really have a perspective on it, but I did watch the Snoop Dogg/Rex (?) stripping episode and it was pretty damn cheesy. Maybe OLTL fans are used to it, but it seemed unrealistic and embarrassing - Snoop would be performing at the local arena, not in some little nightclub where people could get up onstage with him.

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I didn't see that. In RC's defense, and he deserves very little in the way of defense, the strip thing is a Fronsie thing. It seems like once a year some man on OLTL has to strip. Frank Valentini rolls out some performer every sweeps month. Sounds like this month it was Snoop. Usually, there is no reason for it other than to hope someone who doesn't watch the show might hear that this performer is on and tune in. Cheesy generally describes these type tactics pretty well.

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It's ABC/Disney. They're all about cross-promotion. AGreed - it's rare that CBS or NBC stoops to that level, but ABC does it all the time.

And yes, they do love their men stripping. One Life has done it a few times now. (Remember the Killing Club kids stripping a few years ago?)

ETA: At least Rex's stripping made sense - it was at a bachelorette party. The AMC stripping made ZERO sense! But again, they love their cross-promotion - and their Dancing with the Stars.

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Ron is doing a great job! With OLTL Ron has respect for the show. Ron has been with the show scince 1996 and has never left. He has learned from some good writers and I am glad hes HW for OLTL!! :D

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HAH! I actually worried when I wrote that, wondering if you were gonna rip me a new one. Hey, I get it. I totally do. I watched Melrose for the same reasons. And there's no part of me that EVER thought you were stupid, JP. Well, except when I found out you wanted Bo with Billie instead of Hope. But hey - nobody's perfect. :-)

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Ahh, no you did it perfectly :)

And... i did start watching when iw as a kid and Bo was with Billie in LA. Actually, aside from Marlena being posessed my first real memory of Days was Bo & Billie in the hotel room the first day in LA. I loved them. LOVED them. then PR came back and i was 'wtf this is NOT bo!' then KA came back and i was all 'oh, this bitch!' (okay, well maybe not because i was like 6ish)...

and that day when Billie left after bo CHOSE her over hopeless. iw as heartbroken. that combined with kimberly leaving the power rangers and kelly & zach's breakup over her boss on sbtb ... no wonder i dont belive in love! lol.

oh, and i block out the KA days of whorie... so that helps in my loving bo/billie. and for the record i did end up loving pr as bo and would never want rkk back..

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The thing is I don't like Days as mindless entertainment (at least unless it's well-written and exciting). I was a little one when Days was still the real Days (pre-sometime in '93), but I actually remember it being good. I could see it being hard to separate Days from JERk's first fecal slurry if that was your first experience with the show, but I remember the days of John being Roman and Jack & Jennifer becoming a strong couple. Heck, I remember Kristen being a nice person! But anyway...

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