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Oh 'My'! Dixie's return has Adam all spooked

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Oh 'My'! Dixie's return has Adam all spooked



Dixie's return to Pine Valley sends Adam to the nut house next week on "All My Children."

"Serves him right," says Cady McClain, back as beloved Dixie Cooney Martin, if only as a ghost. "Adam had Dixie committed all those years ago so he could take her son [JR] away. Karma's a bummer. I should know."

As viewers know, Dixie was murdered last year in a story line that ABC execs have since admitted was a big mistake. Their solution to appease angry fans was to bring Dixie back as a spirit.

"Her mission is to reunite Tad and Kate, of course," says McClain, referring to Dixie's husband and missing daughter. "But there are issues that keep this from being a simple matter."

Apparently, Dixie's powers are limited, so she has to convince Adam to do the job for her by haunting him.

"I'm having so much fun working with David Canary" (who plays Adam), says McClain. "The writing is very charming. It comes from the heart but is still very playful."

By the end of the month, Adam will be on the road to doing the right thing in spite of himself.

"Surprise is a big part of this," says McClain. "Who will see Dixie? Who won't?"

Although she's back for only eight weeks, McClain says this story line should give Tad and Dixie fans the closure they've been looking for.

"I can't undo the past, but I can participate in the creation of a better present," she says philosophically about her untimely exit last year. "This is a good show with a lot of good people working on it. I am pleased to have been asked to return, and to have the public recognition that a mistake was made. How many times in life does that happen? I wasn't asking or expecting that, mind you, but it's really nice."

Don't rule out a permanent return someday if "AMC's" ratings rise with Dixie's return. After all, Jesse Hubbard just made a triumphant return 20 years after being killed.

"Even if they cut your head off on camera, you can come back," McClain says with a laugh. "Seriously, I think the fact that they just brought back Jesse makes things trickier, so I understand why this might not happen now. But it doesn't mean it will never happen. Even if doesn't, I'm at peace. It's so very nice to have this moment. I'm grateful for it."


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I am loving Dixie. KARMA IS A B!TCH!! :D

I hope David also gets a nom next year. Hes been doing so good so far. :P

I have the upmost respect for Cady. She is doing this looking at this as a good thing then rather a bad thing.

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Was never a huge Cady McClain fan, but I really respect her admiration for the show (and the fans!) and her lack of bitterness. And I'm kind of enjoying this too. Never a fan of ghost storylines, I was hoping she'd be Adam's conscience, but whatever! Anything that keeps Canary on the front burner is fine with me, and he's obviously having a great time with the storyline.

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