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AMC: Friday, May 9, 2008

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I didn't enjoy the show today. I found it to be pretty boring...it just sort of struggled along for the hour and then the big cliff-hanger was a couple I could care less about. Even the Erica/Opal/WB stuff, which should have been guaranteed gold, fell flat for me.

Does everyone really think the show is so good now? Am I the only one that thinks the improvement has been minimal when a massive overhaul (writing, production, direction, everything) is needed?

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Patton Ryan

Good ole soldier Ryan is now taking over as HIGH H0 of Operations for Darfur rescue missions so you can expect a lot of c0ck guzzling, H0 down action, and superhero wannabe maneuvers that even make Roseanne Barr throw up to the tune of 50 pounds and she comes off looking like Starr Jones does in a manequin suit! Sheesh I guess they had no reason to send Aidan in there when Super Ryan has all the answers as to how to make the rescue mission work. Well golly let's just keep calling on Ryan to help out people in peril because he knows it all from his days as the con man and he gained some special ops experience in the process. Heck if I am ever in a warzone ready to bend down and kiss my a$$ goodbye well I won't need to do it because Ryan will swoop in on his Dynamite Kiddo superhero cape and lift me to safety all the way back to Pine Valley. Actually, he can also do another thing and fly down there, ride in to the rescue on his white horse named Brangelina as it fights off the other horse known as Vincennifer all the way to a win for the skankiest, loathsome, idiot to ever roam the streets of God's Green Earth. Heck I am sure Ryan can bring peace to the MIddle East now if you think about it. He is like General Patton in that he is that soldier who could and keeps huffing and puffing to ensure that everything he takes part in has a victory to it. Well slap me silly, call me Philly, and give me a milly because I was the one who called him out on his stupidity, skankiness, and idiotic little wannabe hero know it all crud when all he is doing is just getting involved in something that never concerned the moron in the first place. But we know there are trolls sent out by ABC to pimp and prop his holiness so just be careful that he is now on the loose ready to possibly botch yet another thing in his life because the signs are not looking good for Dr. FeelLove Fartin Martin and his trusty sidekick, Fish n Chips. Heck I am sure Ryan forgot who he loves so he will want to jump into Fish n Chips' pants and start loving someone on the other side and who knows that might do the trick in getting him his memory back! He did not lose the memory of being a foul superhero or did he in that this might not be a success? Things could get as nasty of Dynamite Kiddo proportions!

Erica sure has friends in high places

So she now gets Warren Buffet to help sing her praises in hopes of getting her in an early release while he gets a call from Bill Gates who can help out. What's next? The Dalai Lhama? LOL that's my Erica! She knows how to get the friends to help her out when she is in trouble. Either they get her out or she breaks out and goes on the run again with Carmen. I like these on the run soap stories

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Tad I love you...

But do not blame Zach for Aidan going to Darfur. At the last minute, Zach had found someone else to go on the rescue mission but Aidan insisted that he go along. Aidan knew the risks of going into Darfur and took it upon himself to complete the mission or die trying. Zach was more than willing to let him off of the assignment and allow some other employee rescue Jake. Please know the whole story next time.

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I also thought it was good.

I'm still loving Adam & Dixie and it was great to see Stuart today.

Erica warning Opal not to make a pass at Warren was funny, as was Opal's line that Erica's never cared if a man was married.

I liked the family scenes at the Comeback and how the director intercut Dixie and Tad.

Go Tad, tell off Zach! That was fantastic! I also loved Zach's guilt since he knew every word Tad said was true.

I was disappointed with how fast Aiden & Jake showed up in Pine Valley. There aren't any hospitals closer to Afghanistan?

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Riiiiiight every word was true, Tad is a effing hypocrite. Who's he to talk about anyone when Aidan is the one who couldn't keep his yap shut and told Tad and got drunk and practically blabbed it to Annie?

Who is Tad the ADULTERER who screwed Adam's WIFE and knocked her up and is now married to her to say anything about anyone?

Yeah uh huh sure...

Co-sign :)

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omg, can I just say I love Adam? I loved how he finally got that poltergeist Dixie to STFU. "Tad has a wife, you know....and he has a child. A baby daughter. And come to think of it, its the life he always wanted but never had with you."

LMAO! That gets LotD. I just loved the look on her face. PRICELESS


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Go Tad is right! Zach sent Aidan out to be killed and Im glad someone else called him out on it. He was jealous, bitter and angry and had an agenda from the getgo

Loved the scenes at the comeback. The Hubbards rock and I loved Angie's talk with Krystal. I love when she opens up about her "The City" past

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