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OLTL: Discussion For the Week May 5-9

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He wrote scripts I thought, he kept talking about the christmas episode he wrote during the strike.

Honestly though, OLTL's existing writing staff is on fire right now, I say leave them exactly how they are.

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I was thinking the same thing Toups. Of course Ron Carlivati has done many things that soaps don't do anymore and this is only one of them.

As a viewer who despised the teens under Dena, it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep hating them. First I succombed to liking Langston and Markko, and gasp, Starr and Cole are starting to grow on me as characters and as a couple. I've been trying to resist for so long, I don't think I can any longer.

Their adventure is something that were a soap staple in the 80s, and I am truly loving how it's being written these days. Equal balance and each and every beat is being played. Plus the pacing is also great.

Ok maybe the production team at OLTL aren't completely incompetent (which I what I used to think); because it was really clever and smart of them to fit David's story into the show like that without it taking more than one episode (like it would on DAYS, per se). It was a nice, humorous, summary of how David ended back in Paris complete with hilarious flashbacks. Only under Carlivati would the show incorporate the writers strike into the show, and in a very hilarious manner at that. I was ROFL at the whole sequence. Tuc Watkins is brilliance, his comedic timing is amazing.

Friday's show was a nice end to a fantastic week.

Again the strike mention was really funny.

Snoop and Bo, Snoop and Roxy....loved his performance on the show. I hope this isn't the last.

Would have loved to have seen a scene between Snoop and Addie :lol: .

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