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AMC: Friday, April 4, 2008

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Good show today!!

I loved the Angie/Jesse scenes!! Those made me cry!! ! Jesse and Angie telling them each other that they will be together, and how much they love each other!!!! Excellent scenes!

I loved Erica today!! "NO ONE PUSHES ERICA KANE!" :D

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The Ryan Ultimatum

Slap my fanny and call me Manny! Sheesh you would just come to think that, after watching today's show, that Ryan is now not remembering what he remembered while losing what he remembers as he does not remember the past that he has dreadfully had to remember for years! Today, he tells the Green Butterfly that he is now forgetful about the past abuse that he suffered at the hands of old man Lavery. Uh, Ryan, didn't you just forget the past four years and not necessarily your entire life? You would think those traumatic memories would still be implanted into his mind but noooooooo he now is forgetful over something that happened before four years ago when his entire memories of everything pre 2004 should be well in tact. Hmm so now it seems like Ryan is just forgetting for the sake of forgetting and all is the same when it comes to his holiness' pontificating, sanctimony, and other crap that won't change even when he has no memory of what used to be. Gosh let's suggest that Ryan start doing things that can really get him to remember, such as flying off a cliff because that should be able to have the dufus recall how he nearly ended his life and, unfortunately, he lived on and on to torment everyone and make sure they worship him at the altar. It just seems like either the writers are having amnesia themselves on what the crux is of the story or Ryan is now seeming to get even worse amnesia than we all thought. Well, odds are it is just Ryan being forgetful for the sake of it and he truly just forgets what took place within the past four years so those memories of a belt whipping, dad shaving his pubic hairs with a mixer, cutting his shoulder with a Dynamite Kiddo shaped razor blade, dumping him into a pool mixed with ostrich turd as well as cat p1ss and monkey spermicide, and of course who can forget the abuse of calling him the name of His Holiness when it was his father who swore on the Bible that he was Satan and Ryan would be God so it would be Satan vs. God and Ryan would not feel like he was up to taking on such a monstrosity. Now I seem to want to forget this story!

Greenlee's cell

Dang it seems as if her cell phone keeps ringing off at inappropriate times. First, there was the proposal from Aidan and today when she had a serious discussion with Ryan. Hmm she should really put it on silence or turn it off during these pertinent periods.

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I agree that the Jesse/Angie and Erica scenes were great.

The rest of the episode sucked, though. Greenlee's obsession with Ryan was bad enough the first time around. Their first pairing was horrible and I hate seeing the show seeming to go down that road again.

Aidan/Annie/Kendall was just a waste of time. It looks like Annie throwing herself at him last week was only so he would turn up drunk at her house and mention his affair with Kendall. Does anyone care?

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Greenlee doesnt love Aidan. I think its fairly obvious. She likes having him around bc he tells her she's beautiful and special and he boosts her ego up but I think thats all she's interested in him for. He makes her feel good, but I dont think she loves him. I really hopes he gets away from her bc she's toxic. He deserves alot better than what she has to offer. She's more interested in reconnecting with Ryan than a possible future with Aidan

Im glad Aidan didnt sleep with Annie

Angie and Jesse's renweal of vows were great. I wanted them to get an official wedding bc I wasnt sure if they'd still be legally married since he was legally declared dead for 20 years

When and how did Erica and Carmen get out of the handcuffs and how did they find Armando? His mother is trash!

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I totally enjoyed the Jesse/Angie scenes and the Erica scenes yesterday. This storyline of Susan Lucci is better than I thought it would be and I am actually looking forward to seeing how it plays out. Besides I like the friendship that Erica is developing with Carmen..... "No one messes with Erica Kane," that was one of the best lines of the day!!!

The Rylee stuff...meh.....was not a fan of Rylee the first time around and really am not looking forward to a Rylee redux. I think they should bring back David Hayward and pair him with Greens....now that would be an interesting pairing.....

Aiden and Annie...meh there too...Annie is coming across looking foolish throwing herself at Aiden. I understand she is hurt and MCE has come a LONG, LONG way since she first started on the show. But to have Annie throw herself at Aiden...is just not cool... I heard or read somewhere that MCE is out...does anyone know if this is indeed true or just an April Fool's rumor. I know it has been speculated, but I had not seen anything official.

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