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GH: My story ideas...

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Hey guys. After all the talk of the past of GH lately and searching YouTube for classic clips, I thought I'd come up with an outline of what I'd do if I was head writer of GH. I have fun doing this stuff :P

The theme of the season is reawakening. For nearly six years the citizens of Port Charles have been hiding due to the violent and harsh violence that took over the city with Sonny Corinthos assuming a power he had no right to claim. Now, after a tragic incident at General Hospital, things are about to change for the city of Port Charles. It's time for the loves, friends and family of GH to come out of the dark hiding they've been in for years and take back their city.

When Trevor goes to far to take out Sonny, bullets fly in the emergency room at GH. Among those hit: Claudia, Jerry and Ric. Jax is devastated when Jerry dies. Johnny desperately tries to help his weakened and wounded sister. Trevor and Sonny rush to Ric's side, as well as Alexis who rushes onto the scene right after the shooting. After making peace with Alexis, Ric tells Trevor he forgives him for the kind of father he was. Finally, he tells Sonny to let go of the violence and not to think with violence. It's just not worth it. Sonny apologizes to Ric for their differences. Sadly, Ric flatlines and dies, leaving Alexis, Sonny, and Trevor devastated. Trevor, the scoundrel that he is, tries to cover up that he was behind the shooting, but Elizabeth had overheard him talking to his henchmen and she gets him arrested, telling him that Ric deserved better. Meanwhile, Claudia is left comatose as she was shot in the head. Sonny approaches an inconsolable Johnny, and tells him that his family will pay for all that's happened. Johnny closes his eyes, shakes his head and says that his family already has paid. That all the families in Port Charles have paid. Sonny continues to be cold and hurtful to a weak and resigned Johnny, and just gets done telling Johnny he hopes Claudia dies when Kate walks in and hears him say it. Horrified, she asks Sonny to take a good look at Johnny - is he just another mobster, or is he a hurt and wounded young man who is all alone? Sonny tries to talk to Kate, saying it's the nature of the business, but Kate won't have it. Disappointed in the man she thought had compassion, she ends things with him.

At Ric's funeral, the town gathers to mourn him, even though he didn't have the best reputation. Alexis is unable to speak, overcome with sadness, so Elizabeth gives a warm and sincere eulogy about the man Ric wanted to be and who he was, in spite of himself. The funeral is going quietly until Sonny shows up. Alexis gets up, telling him pointedly and quietly to leave. He refuses. Jax, who had just buried Jerry, gets up and tells him to leave. Sonny tells them that he a right to be there. He has a right to say his goodbyes. "No, you don't," a voice says. The voice is Carly, who has been quiet up until now. She tells Sonny that he has gone too far, that he really does kill everything he comes in contact with. Sonny does not accept this, and gets angry, giving the funeral-goers a speech about respect and honor. Nobody's moved. Carly sadly tells Sonny he's gotta get out of his head. Nobody's going to deal with it anymore. Sonny nearly gets violent as he picks up a chair, like an angry child, but Alexis grabs his hand, telling him that if he ever loved or respected Lily, Kristina, or Ric that he will leave and never come back to this place. Sonny looks around. He has lost his place. He sadly leaves.

Lastly, we see Sonny leave a goodbye note for Jason to read to the others. He takes his car and drives off, leaving Port Charles forever. The mob story is over.

Now, for something totally different...

Carly becomes depressed at the way her life's turned out. She turns away from her husband, finally asking for a divorce. She takes her children and moves back into the brownstone with Bobbie. She hands over the Metro Court to Jax completely. Bobbie's house gets more crowded when Lucas returns home from Canada having decided to transfer back to Port Charles U. The Spencer family becomes the core family of the show - Luke, Tracy, Bobbie, Leslie, Lucky, Carly, Lulu, Lucas and Nikolas.

Is this a good start?

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Well, I'm actually a fan of this dark, crime-riddled version of GH. Here's a story idea, however, that's not mob-related! Dr. Patrick Drake is suddenly being stalked by someone. This crazed individual is leaving threatening notes, deadly spiders, and even snakes at Patrick's doorstep. Patrick actually thinks that it's either Robin or Robin has enlisted someone else to carry out these crazed acts. It's revealed that the stalker is some scorned ex-lover who Patrick was once involved with. But there's a twist: It's revealed that there's not just one, but TWO stalkers putting the screws to the young doc. The other whack job is a male stalker who's getting even with Patrick for "allowing" his wife to die on the operating table a few years ago. When the female stalker finds out about her crazed male counterpart, she kills him and finds a way to make it look as if Patrick did the deed. Patrick stands trial for the murder and is convicted. He spends time in prison and befriends one of the inmates who is plotting a prison break. Patrick wants to break out with him and he finds a way to get in contact with his skeevy friend and colleague Dr. Devlin for help! Dr. Devlin pulls some strings on the outside and manages to cut deals with a number of corrupt prison guards to aid in Patrick's and the inmate's escape. Patrick and his inmate buddy go on the lam while Alexis and Diane work together to try and clear his name. While on the run, Patrick gets word that Robin and the baby have both disappeared. A couple days later, Patrick and the inmate come face to face with the murderous female stalker who is holding a tied up Robin and the baby at gunpoint. Robin manages to loosen the ropes and pushes the crazed stalker as Patrick runs toward her. Patrick and the woman wrestle over the gun as it fires off and kills the crazed woman. This is essentially the end of this storyline. Sound good? And there's no Sonny and Jason either!

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<<<I don't like Ric dying>>>

Sorry but I do. I may have never liked Carly but no way would I support a character I dislike being chained to a wall in a panic room all in a sick and twisted game of revenge. Ric deserved to go to jail AT THE LEAST for that crap. I have never forgiven Ric for pulling that sh1t and never will...what makes things worse is he becomes a DA?! WHAT?! Yea that is smart! Give a guy who chains a woman like an animal to the wall a promotion!

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thats why i have no problem with sonny & jason. i mean i hate to pull the same card gh uses, but honestly, they kill people who are in the biz and who do the exact same thing.

ric tho torured a prego woman ina sic and twisted game of revenege.

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