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OLTL: TVGuide Spoilers

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No offense, Zendall Fan (considering I'm definitely right there with you on the 'skeeved out' wagon), but that's not really what bothers me. KA has proven time and again that she is an actress wise beyond her years. And I'm sure she's been nothing but professional about these scenes. (Just my speculation - nervous and uncomfortable, maybe... but she was playing some serious hardcore stuff when she was, like, seven with James DePaiva and Kassie. As an actress, I would think she'd be seriously psyched to take on this challenge.) In fact, any actress her age probably loves being able to play stuff like this.

I don't really have a problem with the fact that Starr and Cole have sex. I guess my biggest issue comes out of the "soapiness" of the whole thing. Starr losing her virginity is a BIG DEAL for the fans, mainly because, as we've talked about, we've watched Starr grow up on-screen. Yes, there's an icky-factor, same as there was when Lily lost her virginity on ATWT, or Carrie on Days or Robin on GH. I guess my issue is the whole "candles-lit-rose-petals-on-the-bed-disrobing-of-clothes-in-a-montage" approach. It works for a lot of characters on many soaps, but not this. I really want to see these two kids deal with the awkwardness of their first time, the weirdness and the excitement and the love and the confusion.

Granted, I haven't seen the episodes in question, so maybe they will cover all of this. But my icky-factor stems from the Skinemax approach to these scenes. You can do that with Nash and Jessica, or Rex and Adriana. But not our Starr...

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i agree.

tho i do think the romantic set up works in this case because they are planning to have sex and know shes leaving and all that. it isnt like they ahd a great date then bam, roses on the bed candles lit when he wlaks her to her room or something.

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I think that whole scenario works, I just want to SEE these two kids on-camera go through this, with all the good and bad that comes with it. What I saw in the promos makes it look like they're totally choreographed. This is one of those moments I want to see realism. Cole nervous about lighting all the candles. Starr making an awkward joke about it. Cole saying something about how this is how they do it in movies, or something. This is one of those moments I don't want escapism - I want reality.

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