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AMC: Friday, February 22, 2008

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As for rewriting--it certainly isn't Darnell doing the rewriting. He always had brilliant dialogue which I bet he DID adlib, but the actual story for the good half year he wandered around Pine Valley as a ghost in 2000-2001, saving Tad from a hanging, helping Gillian "die" etc was a huge stinking aimless mess. I think he exited with no explanation even.

On the other hand I should really try to put some of my tapes of the final weeks of The City on youtube--B&E (or WHOEVER) did some brilliant emotional, GREAT stuff for Angie and Jacob re Cassandra--really powerful scenes that in some ways remind me of these.

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That I totally agree with. Zach isn't the kind of person that's just going to brush that aside. Wouldn't you think that any character would want to bring down the person that ran them over and nearly killed them!!

Before I read all this, I actually forgot all about the fact that Richie was never arrested for running Zach down - I guess B&E's hack stories are working on me! :o;)

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Oh no Addicted, don't say that LOL :o;)

I would LOVE to know how they're going to explain "Ghost Jesse" I bet that's never ever mentioned

I still don't think J&A's overall dialogue is that great, D&D are just turning crap into gold, but in comparison to the rest of the show, J&A's dialogue is so much better than anything

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I just wrote a LONG convulated post about Ghost Jesse on Marlena's blog (http://marlenadelacroix.com/?p=56#comments ) lol Those were the days--I still think that was the most blatantly AWFUL I've seen AMC. Not boring--it's been far duller since but cartoony AWFUL. Especially as we had just came off of Agnes Nixon's brilliant return, briefly, to write AMC for Bianca's coming out. They DID mention tad seeing Ghost Jesse number 1--when he was in the Tornado but discounted it (fairly I think) as tad's delusions when facing death...

the later ghost Jesse can't so easily be explained... They do sometimes still bring up the equally awful LIBIDIZONE saga, I think partly almost as a joke and wink to us fans but...

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The Jesse/Angie/Jacob issue is interesting and I think they sorta have to resolve it. Here's what I think could happen: Darnell Williams will pull double-duty for a number of episodes playing both Jesse and Jacob. Jacob will arrive in Pine Valley along with Cassandra. The people trying to kill Jesse will take out Jacob instead, thinking that HE'S Jesse! Just the classic soap staple of murder by mistaken identity. Remember how GH's Bill Eckert got whacked because he looked too damn much like his cousin Luke Spencer, the intended target?

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Very true Cheap...unless they resurrect Gillian and once again, I will OVERLOOK it all! :P

I also pretty much believe that Darnell will do double duty as Jacob...Jacob will be the one killed and Cassandra will come to PV full time.

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