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AMC: Friday, February 22, 2008

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That's what's most amazing to me about the Angie/Jesse story. It has PACE and MOMENTUM. Just when I started to think all this disease in the hosptial stuff was overstaying its welcome and gettign repetitive--it was like the Soap gods heard me and they were cured and we moved to the next phase of the story! That's honestly what I expect from good soap storytelling--make you wait till your patience is ALMOST over and then BAM you're rewarded with payout.

Honestly this has otherwise been my main gripe with B&E... Yeah, their stories have not been too exciting or inspired but it's just that, much worse than under McT even, we get all these stories in standstill. You may not care abotu Dre but him and his band were introduced in OCTOBER. I expect them to at least TRY to get us interested in a story in 5 months or at least SHOW some of it. They reallyhaven't. Richie actually ahd many on here interested (I still love the actor and the character) but I mean he's almost kileld Zach (that seems to be dropped for now) he needs this donar and is meant ot be on death's door FOREVER, etc etc. There's ZERO momentum or sense of pace with any of these stories, they're all stops and spurts. And again much of the stories aren't inspired ANYWAY but I'd have more fiath if I actually felt like the plot and characters were rolling along--they aren't.

Except miraculously J/A which seems to be paced in true *perfect* classic soap style (so far anyway--it's early to claim too much) which is rare for soaps nowadays and very rare for AMC.

However I still give B&E some credit for them ;)


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speaking of Ritchie and Zach, did anyone even inquire about what happened to Zach? The blood by his car and stuff. The guy was hit by a car and then thrown out of one. Did the doctors ever make that connection when he was examined? Did Zach completely forget that he was hit by a car? I really cant see that happening bc the injuries and pain would still be there even if the memory wasnt. Did AMC just completley forget about this plot point?

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I'm sure Zach mentioned it ONCE. Like "I wanna get that guy too but right now let's just make love on our couch as always" or something. but yeah it was a brief one time thing...

I can't help thinking they wished they had never had Richie try to kill Zach cuz it pretty much makes Richie unredeamable... Unless he has a brain tumour?

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If by some chance B&E are writing J&A's scenes, then I think D&D are making changes and doing ALOT of adlibbing. B&E start out great, but fizzle out faster than McTavish ever did.

I'd say it's pretty much a dropped plot point. I doubt B&E will follow up on it, they're too busy whitewashing what they had just previously wrote(Greenlee) and too busy dragging out everything else. I swear the Richie needing a donor stuff has lasted about two months.

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"If by some chance B&E are writing J&A's scenes, then I think D&D are making changes and doing ALOT of adlibbing. B&E start out great, but fizzle out faster than McTavish ever did. "

Why adlibbing? B&E don't write dialogue... Maybe for a few scenes but not mostly. Headwriters don't write dialogue and AMC has some talented dialogue writers who can take an outline and write script from it--even if they ARE adlibbing (which I do believe is more than possible) they wouldn't be replacing B&E's writing with adlibs--the plot points are B&E not the dialogue.

I'm not trying to pick on you cuz basically I think we agree about the strength (singular) and weaknesses of the show. Just saying...

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EricMontreal, that's very true, but I still don't believe B&E are writing much, if any of the J&A stuff.

When she's SORASed to 16 in few years? LOL. I think they've pretty much dropped that storyline, and since I doubt Cady will ever be back, I don't think anyone's invested in this storyline. It's been pushed back about 3 times now. I swear I remember B&E saying it would be part of November sweeps, then that got pushed back, and hard to tell when, if ever they're gonna do it.

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