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Oh there is no doubt about it that her face will be plastered on the covers of every soap magazine each week....that is pretty much what they did when she returned in 2002 and I, for one, got sick of it. They say magazine sales for Digest are down. Maybe because people are fed up of them pimping certain people and shows?! Even though she has been gone for five years( thank the lord for small miracles), the magazines still try to find every single way to plaster her photo on each issue just to see if they can get a profit...well sales are down so she is not selling. Oopsie! Less is more

I am so tired of soap magazines pimping Vanesssa Marcil as the second coming. She played a crap character (needy, whiney, manipulating, whore-ish, self centered, narcissistic, stupid, airheaded, moronic, immature) in a crap story (Sonny/Brenda/Jax) for a crap salary (As compared to other actors)

If she returns, you can guarantee she will be a bitchy whiney diva on set demanding more money than Tony Geary, holding the show hostage after all is said and done, and then be out the door when things don't go her way. What makes her also think they would write her a good story? The same head writer who botched her return in 2002 is still there, along with the same executive producer.

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Deserved or not, he is a *name*--somewhat. The media didnt' feel the need to explainw ho he was when they mentioned him with Fergie for example. I think he is--at least at the moment--too big for AMC.

As for Las Vegas--I know many people loved the show but it felt to me like it never really gelled as anything more than a pleasant space filler....

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first of all, i would like to know how you know vanessa marcil's salery was crap. because i for one doubt it.

second, if she were to demand more than TG - she should get it. esp if she were to come back and bump the raings like she did last time. that was something that tony geary never does after his 22 mini vacations to twinky town a year, and something nither sarah brown or genie francis did. hate on vanessa - and brenda - all you want, but dont ignore the facts that when she came back the ratings got a rather big bump, and when she left, the ratings fell again.

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Josh is attached to Fergie, so his star is attached to her. He is seen everywhere with her. I can definately see him getting more work from this, be it primetime or movies. Vanessa has had small roles in movies (Con Air) and also some Lifetime movies.

Vanessa's return in 2002 brought back 1 million viewers and they left when she left. If she came back and brought back half of that amount, why shouldn't she get the sun and the moon and the stars? Wouldn't this be a good thing for the soap genre as a whole that viewers are coming back?

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Soap opera actors, compared to movie stars and those in primetime, make much less than they do. It is like the big time stars are the lawyers with the soap opera performers being the legal secretary.

Getting a big salary is not equivalent to bringing in high ratings. TG gets the salary he deserves because he is one half of the most legendary soap couple in history and has been with the show for at least two decades as well as not holding the show hostage the way VM did. TG is also a team player whereas VM gets bitchy, whiney, and in a diva mood to try and get everything she wants her way or she is out. I have never heard of a company in America that gives someone, who has been there for six years, the same salary PLUS MORE as one who has put in twenty plus years of work, plays by the rules, and has a friendly attitude. Now I do not mind VM asking for time off to be with her son...it is very hard to be both employed and a mom at the same time. But it does not work like that in the business world. If VM can be at GH for well over a decade and bring in those ratings, then perhaps she deserves the same perks as TG but she cannot expect to work less and get paid even more than the show's top dog, who has way more years on him than she does. There is no "were" in this...she did, indeed, ask for more than Tony Geary while getting only two or three days of work a week. That is a known fact.

Genie Francis had every right to demand what Tony got (the vacations, salary increase without taking time off-e.g. go down to two to three days a week) and it was a shame they did not give her the earned perks that TG himself earned.

As far as ratings goes, you cannot guarantee that she was the one who brought in the ratings. There could have been other characters, stories, certain actors on at that time that drove up their ratings. Sure it does look like she brought in ratings but it may also be a fact that she was not the sole indicator to the rise in ratings. If she brings in ratings, then why is Las Vegas now cancelled? It appears as if she did not bring in ratings for that show so what makes you think she did it for GH? Remember that Steve Burton (Jasbot) came back at the same time as Brenda....SB has a huge fanbase as well, probably even more than her because he does not necessarily turn people off the way that VanBitchyDiva does (and she has not earned her right to be a bitchy diva the way Diana Ross earned that right). The ratings may not have bounced right away with SB's return but, once his fanbase starts tuning back in a couple months afterwards, it could very well explain that enough people got excited to give GH another go and it would be due to SB, not VM.

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Again, Mo and Steve have been there longer than she has and neither one of them demand the same salary as Tony Geary (or I should say more because Vanessa wanted more than him). It would be different if she asked for two to three days a week with a $1,000 increase in the yearly salary but she wanted her salary jacked up way high. Unless she is a Susan Lucci, Tony Geary, David Canary, Erika Slezak, Justin Deas, Robin Strasser, Eric Braeden, Melody Thomas Scott, James McCook, Susan Flannery, Jerry Ver Dorn, or Deidre Hall...she should take whatever salary they offer and request for raises after more seniority. I also see Mo and Steve being more of team players (not saying they are but more so) than her.

Magazine sales these days are down but VM appears on the cover regularly. Maybe she used to sell but now maybe not so..it could be because people are sick and tired of seeing her on the cover almost every week. Will she or will she not return? Who cares? She was one of GH's worst characters in its history. Plus, Brenda pretty much never left but they recasted her with Kelly Monaco and renamed her Sam.

I also find it interesting that Mo did not thank Vanessa in his acceptance speech when winning the Daytime Emmy. I guess he got tired of her attitude on set as well :)

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