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Trouble on 'As the World Turns'


Saturday, February 9th 2008, 4:00 AM

A desperate Carly calls ex-husband Jack this week on "As the World Turns" to say they've got big trouble.

"Parker has shot Sam," reports Michael Park, who plays good cop Jack Snyder. Parker is Jack and Carly's teenage son, who caught Sam trying to rape Carly on Friday's episode. "By the time Carly calls Jack, Parker has already fled the scene," continues Park."Parker runs over to the church, where Jack catches up with him : 'What are you doing here?' Jack asks them. They left the scene of the crime, and they left a man for dead," Park continues.

"Jack has to go back and find out if Sam is dead." He is."Jack realizes Carly was being attacked and that Parker acted to protect his mother. Jack talks some sense into Carly and gets them to go to the station, where they have Tom and Margo meet them to explain what happened. Jack thinks it's going to be a simple explanation," says Park.

Unfortunately, police chief Margo learns during the interrogation that Parker brought the gun with him to Metro."

It turns out that Parker, to get the gun, had to go all the way to the farm and bring the gun to Metro, not knowing that Carly was being attacked," says Park. "He only sensed that she was being attacked . That adds premeditation."

Which means young Parker is in big trouble.

"They've got to hold Parker to be arraigned in the morning," says the actor. "And they have to wait to see whether he'll be tried as an adult or juvenile."As the investigation continues, a crucial piece of evidence comes out."

Margo wants to return to that night, so they all return to Metro," says Park. While going over the events, "Parker says he shot Sam once and Margo says, 'No, no. There were two bullets.' She confronts Parker again: 'How many times did you fire that rifl e?' At the end of the scene, he says, 'I don't remember.' "Luckily, his mom was there."

Carly remembers that Parker only fired one shot," says Park.Which means there was a second shooter."They're figuring that out now,"says Park, adding, "Hopefully, this is the vehicle that brings Jack andCarly back together."

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