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AMC: SOD Spoilers

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Thanks to Betty and Proteus!

2/19 Issue

Angie passes out after seeing Jesse at the cemetary. She attributes her "vision" to missing her late husband, & decides to leave PV, w/ all of its memories. Jesse, meanwhile, is hiding out in the Martin basement. Krystal thinks the Hubbard's story is incredibly romantic & decides to play matchmaker, convincing Angie to leave by train because Krystal knows that Jesse is also leaving PV by train. While initially it seems too late - Angie sees Jesse who doesn't see her - ultimately Jesse & Angie are reunited.

Look for Erica's arrest (2/18), for Ryan to struggle with his feelings for Kendall...& for Babe (whose found out that JR is a match) to try to convince JR to donate bone marrow to save Richie's life (2/19)...

The following week Angie has a feeling that Jesse is alive...Ryan tries to get to know Annie again...Jack isn't thrilled w/ Samuel...& Greenlee suspects that Kendall may be pregnant w/ Zach's baby...

A letter from a viewer who likes the Julia/Erica rivalry...a letter from a viewer who wishes that JR & Adam would stop going after one another & instead support one another as other PV families (the Laverys, the Martins, & the Kane/Montgomerys) do.

Main story is Jesse & Angie's reunion.

VCR Alerts:

On Monday, February 18, Erica is arrested and Ryan struggles with his feelings for Kendall. Babe has a life or death wager for JR on Tuesday, February 19. What prompts her actions? She's found out that JR is a bone marrow match for Richie," AB explains. "And she's going to pull out all the stops to try to get him to save Richie's life. She's very determined."

There's a section on characters who always lose at love. For AMC, it's Josh and Colin is interviewed.

What's your take on why Josh can't catch a romantic break?

"There just hasn't been a woman to match Josh's passion for life and romance and excitement, and who's as mentally stimulating and as good in bed as he is."

Of course! It's so obvious when you put it that way. Now, the only woman we've ever seen him truly fall for is Babe and then he lost her to JR. That had to hurt.

"He didn't lose her to JR. He lost her to marriage. She was so devoted to her family and she chose JR more for her son than for herself. Let's get that straight.

Do you think his rough luck with the ladies has anything to do with being the biological son of a woman who has failed at marriage so many times?

"That's a good question. I don't necessarily think that because I haven't had too many stories where Josh was the one who caused the relationship to fail. With Babe, she was married. When he was going after Greenlee, she ended up kidnapping Spike. And the thing with Hannah was an office fling, but I think he did care about her and would have given it a shot with her."

Why doesn't Josh ask his cousin, Tad, for some woman-snaring tips?

"That's what I would love to see. I mean, Josh is a catch! He's a Renaissance man; he's cultured, he's smart, and generally, that's what women like in a man. I think he could easily have 10 girlfriends. That's what we're going to be working on this year. Ten girlfriends by summertime."

Which character on your show do you think Josh should be paired up with and why do you think they could be happy together?

"I've been thinking about this, actually. I think he would have a hot and steamy relationship with Amanda, but I think Greenlee is the type of character that Josh is most attracted to. There's something edgy about her that he likes. She intrigues Josh and pushes his buttons and is witty and, I think, strong enoigh to push back when Josh pushes too far forward. She kind of comes from a messed-up childhood, which he does, too. He's attracted to people with problems [laughs]."

What Will Happen:

Angie can't shake the feeling that Jesse is alive.

Ryan and Annie try to get to know each other again.

Jack is no fan of Samuel.

Greenlee assumes Kendall might be pregnant with Zach's baby.

How is Ryan holding up under his bizarre new circumstances? CM notes:

"He's a bit pissy, but that's to be expected. There's a lot of underlying fear when you wake up thinking it's 2004 and you find out it's 2008."


Fan saying how sick she is of Adam & JR always being enemies.

Fan happy with the recent Zendall love scene.

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Oh ... TOO SOON. Angie & Jesse were reunited too soon.

Good Lord, B&E. You drag out Matt & Vanessa's reunion (on GL) to the point where I think even their hardcore fans stopped caring (whether they got back together or not). But with these two, you're only too happy to rush them back to each other and kill all the good drama in the process. What freakin' gives!?

And Krystal is the one who reunites them? Okay, why? Is it just because, she's the mother of a child who's named after their late best friend?

For some reason, when I read that, I thought, "Oh god, Ryan has feelings for Babe, too!? What the hell kind of amnesia does this boy have?".

I get, though, why B&E would have JR as a perfect match for Richie. Babe's hung up on Richie at the moment, and the only one who might save his life is her ex ... who can't stand the dude. It's her predicament we're supposed to be worry about.

Babe might convince JR to donate his bone marrow. Question is, how will Richie respond to that? Seems to me, he could end up alienating JR and Babe, if he ends up getting all self-destructivey.

And Khan isn't thrilled w/ Jack.

Oh, honey. You don't know the half of it.

If Erica's in jail, then it must be Sweeps.

No, Josh can't get a woman, because he's a walking fetus, and a geeky bore to boot.

So, quick, everyone: think of ten girls you want off AMC right now; then write to Fronsie and tell him how much chemistry he has w/ all of them.

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I really am missing the point here. How on earth does Erica getting arrested for insider trading have ANYTHING to do with Babe, Greenlee or anyone else who should have went to jail but didn't. Gosh people LOL.

Erica's jail storylines have always been great to watch and its something better than Erica acting like a school girl chasing after a man. I am looking forward to this.

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First - after the months it took for stalker Dixie and Tad to reunite 2 years ago...this reunion is PERFECTLY timed. ;)

I would be a lot more invested in the JR/Ritchie/Babe thing if Alexa were still playing Babe...

And I LOVE how Krystal is playing matchmaker...I lurve me some Krystal! :)

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