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Barack Obama Elected President!


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And how many times has Obama been forced to apologize for comments that his pastor made? I can't remember any other time a presidential candidate had to say he was sorry for remarks SOMEONE ELSE made.

And..........a heartfelt apology would have gone a long way after that photo BS. It may have even smoothed over hurt feelings after the S.C. comments.......

But to keep doing it over and over again? So sorry, sir, but we are not nearly as gullible as many would believe.

Fool us once, that's one thing. But we covered Bill's backside after he got caught with is damn pants down......

And you honestly think a simple apology is going to smooth over what he has done and what she has allowed to happen?

Why doesn't she start by apologizing for taking a day to make a half-ass comment about that N.C. GOP ad that was going to run.

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But why should she or Bill have to apologize for the turban photo? They had nothing to do with sending it out.

I am not doubting that the black community really supported Bill during the impeachment trial and that was awesome.

So what if she took a day to make a comment? She does have a life that is quite busy at this time so she cannot get to all urgent things right away. I think taking a day is rather good of her as compared to possibly a week to speak out against that ad.

I have heard much worse things said against the black community than what either Bill or Hillary said...I think we should just all move on from them (that starts with a serious apology from either Bill or Hillary or both) and focus on winning this November because we are going to need the black community's votes to get a Democrat in The White House.

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I know but hey at least they have a month to honor the achievements that have been made by the community over the years. I tend to post articles of famous African Americans each week at the politics board I post at so we can all share memories of how much each person has done.

I make no hints about it here about how much I loved my African American studies course in college...and we may just be on the way to electing the first African American to president ;)

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I'm sorry but I can't resist this bit of silliness.....I mean you know it's 29 days every leap year. This reminds me of when I worked at a government agency and some of the black employees on one of the teams wanted to have a black history luncheon and their team supervisor (who is black) told them they no and that they get MLK day off. They were pissed and rightfully so but they also didn't see things the way she does as a black woman fighting against stereotypes as she was attempting to climb up the ladder. I don't agree with how she goes about things but I understand that she falls into the category of those who allow society to make them so self conscious of being black that they are afraid of falling into the stereotypes of eating fried chicken and listening to hip hop music. My philosophy is if you like fried chicken then don't let someone else with a small mind cause you not to eat it because you're compromising who you are to satisfy someone who is not smart enough to see that you're more than skin eating fried chicken.

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My question on this "debate with the black community" is why should Barack Obama be responsible for fixing a mess that Bill and Hilary Clinton made? I should hope he wouldn't be foolish enough to attempt such a thing because that's like taking ownership of their ignorance. It's bad enough that he had to take responsibility for Rev Wright's sermon with the media generated disaster and he shouldn't have to help them out of anything. Let Bob Johnson who claims they've done more for the "black community" than Obama help them fix their mess.

The Democrats can thank Bill and Hilary Clinton for successfully opening up a wound. I have no doubt that a band aid is going to be put on it as it festers. What happens with the nomination will be a sign of whether the wound will rupture sooner than later. Even if enough people are convinced to tow the party line for now, I think that there will eventually be a shift from it being a sure thing that black voters are Democrats as there will be a shift towards independent voting. The Republicans are unlikely to benefit from the shift because they don't seem to have any progressive thinkers to steer them towards capitalizing.

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You miss my point. Or maybe I'm missing yours. :lol:

Unfortunately, there will always be members of the black community who will always find something wrong no matter what is said. They will always question the motivation, rightly or wrongfully.

But to just say that a speech or a debate or a "I'm sorry" will smooth over what has happened......I'm the one that's sorry, but that will just not occur.

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And that is also part of the problem. When Hillary came out and made that comment about "If Rev. Wright were my pastor, I wuld gotten up and walked out" she stepped right inot this entire situation and truly gave her ok to use it against Obama.

That is part of the reason why, not just the black community, but Obama supporters regardless of race or gender are so pissed off.........they feel that she didn't have to do what she has done and keeps doingif she cared so much about the Democratic party.......

But now Obama has to be the one to go to her or she should jst say I'm sorry and, as Kevin Bacon said in Animal House "Fear not........all is well"?

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IA that she's sent out the message that she doesn't care about the party as much as she cares about winning at all costs. She's 60 and comes from an era where black people just took things because that's the way it is. She's walking around saying Obama is elitist and out of touch but she and some of the black supporters she has out of that era are out of touch with the way of thinking of young people who don't accept that's the way it is. This pretty much a simplified reason why the Democratic party is going to suffer in the long run.

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I agree.

And if, as a very astute poster told me today, Bill and Hillary are telling SDs that Obama is not electable simply because he's black.....

I would LOVE for someone to try and explain that one away.

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Since this is probably being done behind closed doors then unless someone tells, they're safe. The closest this comes to the public is when a super delegate says that either of them used the argument that Obama can't win as a reason for voting for Hilary Clinton. I believe that Bill Richardson said that Bill Clinton told him he was making a mistake because Obama can't win. He didn't share the reason(s) he was given for why Obama can't win so it's easy to conclude what was implied. The whole thing may backfire anyway.

Last week when Bill Clinton accused Obama of playing the race card on him, he tried to win people over by saying that the reaction to his statement was disrespectful to Jesse Jackson. I guess black people were supposed to ignore everything else and just become outraged that Jesse Jackson was being put down. It's not like Bill Clinton tried to marginalize Obama's victory by saying in a covert way, that he only won because he's black. It's not as if John Edwards hadn't won those states last time around. He brought Jesse Jackson up all on his own.

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