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Barack Obama Elected President!


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Ryan, I hate to disagree, but Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is leading in polls again. And she is talking issues. Barack Obama just gives speeches and mostly has support of African-Americans thanks in big part to Oprah Winfrey. I wish she would turn her back on him thanks to his racist preacher. I beleive Barack is a racist and his lies about that preacher and his church continue to fuel my anger toward him. I did like him previously, as much as I did Hillary. If he does win the Demcoratic nomination, which I seriously doubt he will, then I'll probably vote him, becuae I'm sure in the hell not voting for John McCain. I think it would be absolutely stupid and idiotic for anyone who hates what this country has been through with W/Cheney/Rice in charge to vote for another [!@#$%^&*] like McCain, who'll follow through with most of W's policies, includign the Iraq war that he wants America to be involved in for the next 50 to 100 years. Check out Hillary's website. She's the biggest and brightest hope for President and for the United States of America in 2008. I respect people's right to like Obama or even McCain, but I will defend Hillary when lies are spread about her and saying that she's not talking the issues, is a lie imho. Sorry Ryan, but that's the truth. And that's absolutely enough said and I don't want to argue anymore, so out of this topic I'm going.

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Hillary Clinton is MOST DEFINITELY not a bitch. Just because you do not like her politics doesn't mean she's a bitch. Now Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, is truly a bitch for saying that America has done nothing for her and her family. I think she should get her ass out of this country and go to France, Italy, Germany or Africa and stay out if she absolutely feels that way. She has ABSOLUTLEY NO BUSINESS being First Lady and why on Earth does she keep on making herself look like another bitch, Condileeza Rice. They could pass as sisters.

The media IMHO does that to make Hillary look ugly and look like a bitch. The media wants Barack to win, truly. The media's always hated the Clintons imho.

And that will be the last post in this topic from me. I don't like to argue politics with friends and I like a lot of you on this board and refuse to argue this any longer.

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