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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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This is PURE speculation - I have no inside knowledge on this. But my thinking is that since Foster and Denney are gone (however they left), I can't believe Maxam will be a permanent fixture. But who knows? Maybe he will be. He's a fairly young guy, highly personable, and extremely talented. Maybe he just wants to secure his job... which no one can fault him for. Sure, up until this point, he's been an Ed Scott guy. And I'm all for loyalty. But at the same time, in this climate? I wouldn't look down on anyone for choosing their job over their previous employer. I know some post-ers will disagree with me (Sorry, Chris B!) but the way things are heading, a job is a job. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't be surprised if he left... but I also wouldn't be surprised if he did everything he could to stay employed. (Wow... how's that for wishy-washy, Sylph? Fire away!)

My guess about Ed Scott? He'll give up this EP position that comes with so much bullsh!t, and take directing gigs (and more power to him - he's an excellent director!) It happens time and again - amazingly talented writers and directors take higher positions like HW and EP, and within years, are so damaged by the politics, they're quite happy to take lower positions. (The Cullitons, anyone?) Don't get me wrong - I think what Scott did at DOOL was wrong, despite the fact he meant well. The road to hell is paved with... etc, etc, etc. But considering how much he was beloved there by cast, crew, and fans alike... only to end up falling on the sword of backstage cr@p? His bad rep from his final days at Y&R are officially behind him, and the industry sees him as reformed... the guy who got Days nominated for Emmys after such a long draught. I figure he'll go back to directing at any show - all of the fun and creative satisfaction, with none of the interference from above (at least not like he's suffered through in the last year).

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Passions had 5 main directors: Jim Sayegh, Karen Wilkens, Phideaux Xavier, Gary Tomlin and Peter Brinckerhoff. There wasn't a lead director, until 2008 when Peter directed 34 out 96 episodes.

I have no idea, Darlotto.

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Again, I have to ask, is Amanda L. Beall still coming to Y&R? I mean Sony updated both Y&R and DAYS' credits and already added people like Rauch, St. Cyr, Whitesell, and Myers. However, Beall isn't anywhere to be found on that list, and she's still turning out scrips for AMC (credits-wise) and Tracey Thompson is already credited as an AHW at AMC. It can't have anything to do with Beall still being credited at AMC, since Myers is still technically in the credits at OLTL, but she's already on the production credits via Sony for DAYS.

I have to wonder if the Beall deal with Y&R fell through, maybe Pratt begged her to stay and Maria opted to bring Janice Ferri Esser back, who is back at Y&R permanently.

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Whenever we find out when a person is leaving or joining a show, doesn't mean that it happened right away behind the scenes.

I'm sure Rain1 can clear up your confusion since Rain1 broke the news about Amanda joining Y&R. *waves to Rain1* ;)

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We found out about Beall in July I think. She apparently didn't leave AMC right away, and had to finish up what was left on her contractual obligation (a couple of weeks or a month, whatever) is what I'm thinking. The fact that she's not Sony's site yet could just but a mistake/omission. Given the instability behind-the-scenes at Y&R this year, though, I wonder how long any new hire will last these days.

I like ALB's work generally, but apparently the woman was fiercely loyal to Megan McTavish and her writing. The thing AMC needs to be doing now is purging itself of McTavish's influence/remnants, and so I'm not as upset to see her leaving as I could be, given she's one of "McTavish's writers."

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