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2008: The Directors and Writers Thread

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While there is not universal agreement, many found pacing and dialogue to be improved--and STAY improved--during the LML era. So, even when the storytelling sucked, the day by day scenes were often wonderful.

By now, many of these writers have a bit of a history with the show, and this will deepen.

I have been as disappointed with Y&R as many, but I STRONGLY URGE not throwing out the baby with the bathwater. There IS real talent on the Y&R team NOW. Weeding/pruning is needed, but they don't need to coat the whole team with the soap-equivalent of RoundUp.

You're talking about the Scott Hamner interview, Toups. Yes, Chris B, PLEASE post a link to that if you think you can find one. I am still viewing HIM as the ruination of Y&R (General Homicide begets Carmen Mess-ta, Plum/Carson, and JiMin murders).

Which is why it boggles my mind that he is still around AND acting as spokesperson for the show!

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I wonder if Hogan remembers Joshua McCaffrey and Trent Jones from their brief stints at ATWT? Actually, wasn't Trent's brief run on ATWT during Hogan's sabbatical, so I doubt he remembers him.

In any case, McCaffrey, Jones, and Frederick Johnson are the only writers who've worked with Hogan with any Y&R connection (of couce McCaffrey and Jones didn't work with him for too long).

I hope he remembers them all, when Maria finally decides the show needs new Associate Head Writers.

Then again, from what SOAPSFOREVER has told us, Trent Jones seems to be very loyal to Kay Alden, which makes it even more strange that Bradley hasn't gotten him to write for B&B yet, oh well.

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Sinclair is obviously not an attentive reader :P - even if he spends tens of minutes on this thread - so just in case he comes again, I'd like him to tell me if he'd like for John PiRoman to come back to write for AMC. :D

I was surprised by his Mimi Leahey love. :D I didn't know about it at all.

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This thread has been annoyingly and obnoxiously preoccupied with Y&R drivel. Since I don't watch that show, I have no opinions to add -- I just like seeing people get their knickers in a knot over that 56 member writing staff over there at Y&R. I'm still confused about it all. People like the dialog and the pacing but hate the storylines? Sh*t, I'd take better dialog and pacing at AMC any damn day. That's what kept me with GH for so long -- I like the dialog and pacing, even though I've never been a huge fan of Guza's storylines. I mean, seriously -- how many "Betrayal by Betrayal equals Betrayal by any other name is Betrayal" storylines do we have to suffer through with Maurice screaming, mumbling and smashing glassware before it becomes passe? But still... I enjoy the dialog and the pacing moves to the point where I'm not still watching the same day for two weeks.

Moving on... to answer your question.

I don't know about the PiRoman thing. I'm kinda wishy-washy when it comes to him... the same way I am with Bettina Bradbury. Off Days and On Days. Definitely no Michelle Patrick, Kate Hall, Michele Val Jean or Mary Sue Price.

While it might seem I may suffer from Mimi Leahey Love, I don't. Let me clarify. The dialog under her editing was a LOT more tolerable than the dialog under Jeff Beldner's red pen. I assume that's because she was a previous journalist before she started writing soaps (during/after the '88 strike, or so I've read). So she has more of an "eye" for being succinct and precise with the dialog that gets thrown into her inbox. I hated Culliton's storylines from 2001-2002 but the dialog was great and I attribute that to not only Leahey, but my opinion of Culliton having a stronger skill in dialog rather than storytelling. All I know is that a lot of garbage has gotten past Beldner's editing that I just don't get. Rebecca Taylor's redundant dialog (she's notorious for having a scene consist of a character asking the same question in six different ways) and Courtney Bugler's atrocious verbal diarrhea (do I even need to bring up the Beach Speech?) are just two examples of when a bad script writer meets a mediocre script editor. I think Beldner's strength is in structuring/outlining (since we can't say 'breakdowns' anymore concerning AMC) and having the right scriptwriter assigned to his outlines. Again, just my opinion.

Who knows what the hell's gonna happen when Pratt gets his team the way he wants it?

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Josh and Trent have both (from the looks of things) gone the way of others and retreated to their own respectable corners for the time being. (Let's call it... CurleeLand. :lol: )

I would be surprised to see either come out of "retirement."

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That's a shame about Josh, he's still relatively young and has only really written substantially for Y&R, he didn't last long at ATWT.

I guess I can understand it with Trent, as he's been in the industry for a while (first as an actor on RH and then as a writer).

Curleeland. :lol:

It sucks that so many talented people are quitting the genre because of the way things are being handled these days. I don't know how much longer I can take these current sub par writers writing these soaps, I'm about to quit and just get my serialized drama intake from my British soaps.

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Josh is another example of a "young" writer (comparatively) like Bibel who has been shut out. It's a crying shame. These people who grew up watching soaps and want to channel their talent in that direction but can't for political reasons...it's just a bummer.

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i *dream* of a soap being written by Sara B & Tom C.

i am sure they have weakness, everyone does, but just knowing there is a mix of passion and talent behind the scenes running the show. then again i also dream of a soap on a non network that could be a hit and air right before primetime so...

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As much as I adore Tom and Sara for sharing their blogs with the public, I don't think how well they'd do as HW's. Neither has had any Head-Writing experience, so there's nothing to judge by. Also, I think their blogging popularity has worked for and against them. For, in the sense that a lot of people who read their blogs come off thinking these people want to be HW's and can handle being HW's. Against, in the sense that no one in the industry seems to want to offer these two jobs because of their blogging popularity (that's my guess).

You can have all the passion and love for soaps in the world, but that still doesn't mean you'd make a great HW. With the climate that daytime is in at the moment, I think less and less writers want to be HW's, I know I wouldn't.

Even though they haven't had Head-Writing experience, if they're given the chance, they could always surprise us. Going back to my love for Nancy Curlee, for years she was Pam Long's AHW, but when Long left and Curlee and Demorest were promoted, many thought it was the end of GL. However, Curlee proved everyone wrong and ushered in a new golden era for GL that in many ways topped the best of Pam Long. I guess you never know until you try, eh?

One think I love about the UK soap business is that they're always on the look-out for new writers. They always want new ideas and new writers to help preserve the soaps. On American soaps, the same damn people who get fired from one show end up making there way to six other soaps, and there's no room for anyone new. Something is definitely wrong with that picture.

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ITA w/ almost all of that...

i will take a chance on them over the recycled hacks we get. i mean why are higley, hogan, pratt, etc getting hired AGAIN? why are guza and the hw's of the P&G soaps still there?

daytime needs some new blood at the top. looked at RC at oltl. is it perfect? no. he has his faults, but he has brought this soap to greatness. from what i hear... it was a fight to get him that spot... because this genre for whatever reason is against new blood. they want people with HW experiance - how do you get that if no one will give you a shot? and its not like these 'younger' people are just Joe Smith off the street.

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The thing is, since soaps are dying, it's a major risk for these people to put anyone who's not a recycled HW in the position of HW of a show. Is it right? No. Will it ever change? No.

TPTB know the genre is dying, so they're never going to take any real creative risks, sadly.

For the time being, Ron C is doing great, but I still have to wonder if everyone will be calling him a "hack" in a year and a half...

It's because of the stupidity of that TPTB behind the scenes that's making me want to quit watching American soaps. I know things will probably never get better again. At least with my British soaps, I can trust them and I know that when things aren't going good, they'll be good again in the future, because TPTB love and care for the soaps for the most part in the UK. I have no trust in anyone running daytime television in the US.

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I agree.. but i dont understand the logic in that. I mean im sure thes recycled hacks cost more money than anewbie HW. and in a dyin genre why not go for the cheaper HW - they go for the cheper everything else.

It is a dying genre and it will be dead within a few years, IMHO.

im sure he will be a hack in a year or so. for many reasons - mostly because people just like to throw around the word hack. i love it when someone calls someone a hack, you ask them wht they hacked, and they dont have an answer. but also, he got uber loved quick because he took over a shiw when it was ta perhaps its lowest point and gave fans what they want. but you cant please fans for long....

i wish i was able to watch UK soaps online. i so would.

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