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ATWT Wednesday November 21

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Yes, I am serious. :lol:

Well, the fight was actually over Katie. It had nothing to do with Carly. So in that sense it was stupid. But I was lol during it. Remember Jack already brainwashed the kids to hate Carly. As Emma said(not the exact words), " Carly has done a lot of horrible things but she is STILL their mother". Jack deserves to be alone on Thanksgiving. He may have been at Emma's and with the kids. But he is all alone. I am happy about it. He is a real jerk!

I like that metro will be opened again. Another place to hang out. I am so sick of the diner. And the owners Vienna and Henry..yuck...puke.

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Damn it, I knew I should have paid more attention to ATWT today. There were Hugheses on? In all my channel-switching, I didn't even catch them. I always got stuck with the Jack/Brad/Katie/Carly/That-Chick-Who-Came-From-Nowhere-(Who-The-[!@#$%^&*]-Is-She-Anyway?) crap. I did see some Snyder farm stuff, but it was the average run of the mill.

Oh, and I did catch Emily and Chris in bed at the end. Damn....*catches breath* I seem to recall someone here referring to him as "one fine hunk of vanilla sweetness" a few weeks ago. God damn...I was ready to crawl into the TV and toss poor Emily to the side somewhere. That man is fuckin HOT. Absolutely, positively, no-doubt-about-it SEXY AS SIN.

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Yes, Bob, Kim and Chris were on today's show. The chick you are talking about is Kit. Carly and she are going to open up Metro again.

That was very hot! I myself wish I was the one laying next to Chris.....swoon......When Em mentioned that there was more than them in the bed. I automatically thought of Evan, Luke and Noah....LOL. Well at least Evan. :D And it stenbeck who made the fine hunk of vanilla comment. :D

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Props to stenbeck then lol. That's the perfect description of young Dr. Hughes. And yes, would have been a magical moment of tongue-in-cheek hoYay had Emily said that she didn't like sharing the bed with Evan. I can just imagine it..."Who do you think about more, Chris, me or him?" Then he'd look at her all soulful-like, and she'd be like..."Chris!" and he'd calmly tell her..."I'm thinking of an answer...but I CAN NEVER PLEASE YOU, CAN I!?"

Oh okay, about the Kit thing, BTW. When did this Idaho business happen? Because I have absolutely no recollect of anything that they were..."reminiscing" about today.

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Seriously, I think Chris and Evan should get it on. They would be real hot!

As to your Kit question.........Kit told Carly that Metro was for sale at a cheap price. But she still couldnt afford it.. Carly gave her the check she got from the lawyer. Carly said something like I guess we are partners now. So they are going to run Metro together as co-owners.

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August. Did you miss the JJ kidnapping? I got a kick out of Yancy Butler playing one of the kidnappers.

I was actually glad Brad got to belt Jack. I only wish Carly would get to slap down Katie the same way. What was cool was that we saw Carly at least talking to Paul about being at the hospital with Rosanna. At least Carly's been informed (off-screen) about Ro's condition.

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NOOOOO. Every relationship on the show is tainted by a 3rd or 4th party. What happened to couples having a common goal like bringing down Mr. Big? I think Luke and Noah should have an adventure. Soap fans love when their favorite couples do fun location shoots.

I'd like to know how Carly considers her new business venture as she thinks of ways to get on Jack's good side. Befriending the woman who enabled her son's kidnappers is a great start! B)

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Well, Noah and Luke are getting boring to me. I hate that Jean Pissant has made me feel that way. Yesterday's show was good with them. But Noah should have told his dad....with a loud/shouting voice...."Dont you dare touch my boyfriend.....I love him!"....We didnt get that. I was a bit disappointed. Now he wants to make his relationship public???????? Call me confused? :huh:

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That's the way Noah operates. Just when you think he's straight...he's GAY! When he should have pummeled Winston in the nuts for shooting Luke, he just stood there asking "what did you do?" A man who won't defend me when I'm almost killed has GOT TO GO. He's always been a sniveling wuss, and I don't know what Luke ever saw in him. The story's biggest cheerleaders will never admit it. But I still wouldn't want to rush into adding another person. We barely know what makes Nuke tick as a couple because Noah doesn't know himself.

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You see your explanation is all I need for wanting someone else coming on to Luke. I agree about Noah. I think Luke deserves better. Luke had the guts/nerve to tell Noah's dad how he felt about his son. You would at least think we would get Noah telling Holden and Lily the same thing...without screaming at them of course. Noah is just too wimpy! Dont get me wrong I was all for them. But something is off. So much of their relationship has been left out. Like you said....what does Luke see in Noah. We didnt even have a real build up to their budding romance. They saw each other....Luke got the hots for him and presto!!! they are boyfriends.

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Carly's free to do what the hell she pleases. I don't think there's anything she thinks she can do to get back on Jack's good side. Honestly, that she's capable of forgiving people is something Jack really, REALLY needs to learn. As long as this isn't some huge fake out on Kit's part (which I was kind of assuming...), Jack will come around.

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As for the Noah hate, I can't join in on that, The way I look at it Noah is who Noah is, and whatever he is, Luke loves him, and that is what counts to me. I think the real issue is the airtime problems, way to many gaps in the storyline, and that is what happens when they are on 5 minutes a week if that. No other storyline has that little of airtime, and I am not talking about characters that don't have storylines I am talking about the ones that currently have one, in that standard they are not getting much airtime at all. I think it is time to go more into Noah's past that might help us understand why he is the way he is. And as for finding someone else for Luke we all know the show is not going to do it, Noah is Luke's man. And frankly I am happy about that. Though Kevin could always come back and cause trouble for the couple :P

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