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In The Zone Radio: Season 2

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Let Your Voice Be Heard....

Call-In #: 347-996-5978

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Tonight's Segment: Soap Talk w/ Tom Casiello

- Host Chat

- Benefits of Supporting Your Union...or in this case Guild

- DAYS: Dena Higley vs. The Fans: Is their hatred/criticism of Dena valid?

- Marladelacroix.com Columnist Patrick Erwin's Column: "Why Today’s One Life To Live Reminds Me of the Glory Days of Guiding Light"

- OLTL Backlash: Is the praise for Ron Carlivati and OLTL turning people off?

- Open Discussion


Note: More Y&R, AMC and OLTL guests are in the works over the coming weeks.

Wednesday, July 2 - Tom Casiello (Soap Writer) joins us for soap talk at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Monday, July 7 - Brandon Barash (Johnny, GH) at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Tuesday, July 8 - Thom Racina (Soap Writer & Author) at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Scheduling/Re-Scheduling: Mark Lawson (Brody, OLTL), John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex, OLTL), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany, GH), Seamus Dever (ex-Ian, GH),

SHOW: 10PM/EST - 11:30PM/EST

Call-In: 347-996-5978

BlogTalkPage: In the Zone

Myspace: Official In The Zone Myspace

AIM: In The Zone Radio

E-Mail:[email protected]

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ITA, rhinohide. (BTW, good to see ya in the chatroom, too!)

Last night was my first time to listen to your show, Ryan, and now that I have? I cannot wait to do it again. ("ITZ: It's like crack for your ears!", lol.)

Oh, btw, how did rhinohide's call go last night? Did you get through? And can anyone call in, Ryan, or do you have to be "selected"?

Thanks again!

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It was fun to chat with you too Khan. It gets kind of crazy in there, but it becomes easier to follow with practice. Ryan popping into the chat every now and then always shocks me for some reason. LOL.

Ryan explained that he sometimes minimizes the "call window" so he forgets to take callers. But he did take my call after the online broadcast ended and I had a great time chatting on the phone with his panelists. I don't know if my comments are included in the taped portion. :o I didn't think about it at the time, because the broadcast had ended, but I guess I better go check, because I would have edited myself more if I'd known people would hear me. :huh:

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I thought it recorded the overtime??? No??? Seriously the Tom Casiello chats piss me off the most...LOL They are so good and informative and get cut off at the worst of times. We need like a three hour special with him. :D

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I am so slow sometimes. :huh:

I didn't realize you were "JP".

I don't know about the download, but the broadcast lasts for 1 1/2 hours and the actual chat went for a bit longer than that. I was able to go to the site and hear the entire thing. Including the remarks I made that I would have edited had I realized. <_< Wasn't that big of a deal, but I used some "impolite" language in reference to the Kelly and Duke story, and I don't normally talk that way <blush>. It's an indicator of how strong my hatred for Kelly and Duke was and remains to this day.

I agree about Tom. I wouldn't miss a chat with him. :wub:

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Rhinohide was such a great person to talk to! Khan, I'm glad you listened last night!

To answer your question Khan, anyone can call in. I usually switch between multiple windows (the chat room, the call screen, AIM, e-mail, message boards) and sometimes I forget to bring back up the call screen.

Once the live show ends, if we're still on the phone it continues to be recorded (we call it overtime). Last night it went until about quarter after 12 and we got thrown off (on a big cliffhanger btw). Tom was like "Wanna know my big issue with Ron and Hogan?" And then we heard a voice like "Thank you for calling Blogtalk Radio, goodbye".

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Let Your Voice Be Heard....

Call-In #: 347-996-5978

E-Mail:[email protected]

Tonight's Segment for the July 7, 2008 Show: Brandon Barash Interview

Popular GH star Brandon Barash (Johnny) calls in to talk his breaking into acting, his storylines on GH and field questions from his devoted fans!

Post Interview Topics

- Host Chat

- AMC: Pratt begins boosting his team; Plans for Beth Elhers/Ricky Paull Goldin

- Stay Tuned to the SON Writer's Thread for news from Toups regarding the termination of 7 writers

- GH: Sonny & Robin, Claudia's backstory, Psycho Logan vs. Maxie/Lulu

*Website Promotions*

- OLTL: Cole turns to Todd (and turns the tables); Carlo Hesser returns....and has a daughter!

- ATWT: Slowly tuning back in

- Open Discussion


Note: More Y&R, AMC and OLTL guests are in the works over the coming weeks.

Tuesday, July 8 - Thom Racina (Soap Writer & Author) at 10PM EST/7PM PST

Scheduling/Re-Scheduling: Adrienne Frantz (Amber, Y&R), Mark Lawson (Brody, OLTL), John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex, OLTL), Sonya Eddy (Epiphany, GH), Seamus Dever (ex-Ian, GH),

SHOW: 10PM/EST - 11:30PM/EST

Call-In: 347-996-5978

BlogTalkPage: In the Zone

Myspace: Official In The Zone Myspace

AIM: In The Zone Radio

E-Mail:[email protected]

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