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AMC Thursday

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Oh Kendall. Okay so her utlimate plan is to frame Greenlee for attempted kidnapping of Spike based on the previews. What the hell is she thinking? She honestly beleives that Greenlee is a threat to Spike. She blames Greenlee for making Spike deaf and she feels that Greenlee is obsessed with him and will strike. Just an hour or 2 before this, she overhears something and assums Greenlee is out to get Spike. So what does she do? She knocks herself out by chlorofrming herself and puts Spike in Greenlee's hands. If Greenlee is this big dangerous threat that she beleives, why the heck would she do this!? What if Greenlee managed to take advantage of this oppurtunity and run far away with him? What if this time she ended up killing him instead of simply making him deaf? If anything were to happen to Spike, it would be completely on Kendall for handing her child over to someone she thinks is dangerous to him. Kendall is dead wrong here and her logic makes no sense. In order to protect her son, she has to first put him in danger? Someone needs to smack her back to reality

Oh and [!@#$%^&*] Lavery is beyond infuriating. who does he think he is? Kidnapping Ritchie and handcuffing him on a plan thousands of feet in the air and illegally drawing blood from him? This man is a neanderthal and Im sick of him throwing his weight around and acting like a bully. This has been going on for far too long. Watching today, really made me want to shut off hte tv and stop watching AMC. I cant take much more of this bullying of Ritchie by Ryan. Its beyond excessive and it isnt warranted

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Flightplan Ryan

What a good little guy Ryan is to hold someone against his will like he is some cop who can enforce someone being detained all to just draw some blood. Well that should be Ritchie's choice and certainly not his and again this is not really his business so why get involved and be a HIGH H0 idiot?! I just do not get this guy but in order to get him, I would have to crawl upside into his behind to try and understand what this moron is all about and I am not about to subject myself to such cruelty. What gives this guy the right to hold someone against his will AGAIN (remember he did it before at the pumphouse) and just demand that he give up some blood? Again, this has NOTHING to do with Ryan so why he is getting involved is beyond me. Gosh what is next...will he hold Ritchie against his will and demand he name all of George Bush's lies or that he name all of Zsa Zsa Gabor and Liz Taylor's husbands. I would not put it past this baffoon to actually do this since he is all about being low and low enough to actually want to sleep with pathetic trash like Paris Hilton or better yet a dead corpse. Who knows what is in that mind but it obviously is not good if he is holding someone against his will and what not. This is just not good for Ryan and I just hope that Ritchie actually holds this guy accountable and has him arrested so he can get scared by Bubba and Flubba in prison. Lord knows Ryan can use a slap to reality every now and then for thinking that three plus four equals one thousand. How dare this moron actually think he can get away with what he is doing. I just wonder what his next cause of action will be and if it will actually make him more unlikeable than he already is. This guy just has to go and it is high H0 time to do it. Hey since they are in an airplane, how about Ritchie push him out of the airplane and Ryan quickly grabs a parachute to save himself only this time it is a backpack. Oopsie LOL bye bye to ferret face. Hope you splat and turn into a million pieces so the buzzards and birdies can have a nice lunch on your behalf....dumba$$

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