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AMC: Monday

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Even though I wasn't surprised by the "twist" that Annie was alive (I mean, really. I've been watching soaps long enough to know better and pretty much assumed it was staged), it was kind of weird because I was watching ABC-NY and they preempted it in the middle of the show for a traffic accident. So it was kind of jarring to literally go from Richie panicking at the Cumstain Comeback, to seeing Ryannie toasting each other at the yacht club.

Apparently they're happy they gave Richie a taste of his own medicine? Huh? :blink: How, exactly, did that work? This storyline's making no sense, Ryan's becoming unbearable, and I'm just getting bored.

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Haha - my mom actually called me last night and goes, "Did you watch the soap today? Dad and I are trying to figure out what the hell is going on! Is Annie dead or alive?" I explained to her that Annie/Ryan are trying to make Wes seem crazy and off his rocker, much like he's been doing with Annie lately. So now Babe and Tad might believe he's a little...off.

ITA about Ryan - he is so on the bottom of my character list lately.

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Old woman?? :D:o I think you've been watching Frons era soap operas too long ;)

What I don't get about giving Richie a taste of his own medicine--they go on about what a sociopath he is so don't they realize the big risk of doing this would be it woul djust make him more dangerous and mad at them? I don't get it either

Anyone else see the chemistry whenever Josh and Zach share a scee and they touch? LOL Or am I just looking for too many things to fixate on when I find a scene dull ;)

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not only that but Kendall herself isnt using or attempting to learn sign language bc in her mind Spike doesnt need it since that will be fixxed when he gets his implant. She doesnt want Spike to get used to communicating without his hearing which is why I think she doesnt use it with him. Greenlee using it only reinforces that he has this issue and if someone was going to use sign with him, its going to be her, his mother, not the woman that messed him up in the first place

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I loathe the pathetic way Greenlee is being written. She whines, whines, whines, shrinks back every time Kendall rightfully bitches at her when she does something dumb, like signing to the kid she made deaf, and the list goes on and on. Who is this pod, and what they have they done to Greenlee? RB is probably flipping the bird to Sabine and the network right now.

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Then WHY in the heck did she bring Spike to see Greenlee???????????????????????? It's just ridiculous.

And I don't buy the fact that Kendall only got mad just bc it was Greenlee signing to him. She's made it obvious she'll get bitchy to anyone who DARE uses sign language to her poor little deaf boy.

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No, she won't. She didn't get upset when Ryan signed to Spike today, and she told Greenlee during their conversation that Annie is teaching her to sign to Spike herself.

She just doesn't want Greenlee signing to Spike because it's a blatant reminder, and it's just all kinds of wrong.

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It's because Sabine can't handle the role, so it's being watered down to fit her mediocre (at best) skills. I totally agree. Watching SabineLee shrink and flinch whenever Kendall has a bitch fit is a total joke! :rolleyes: And then the blubbering and whimpering... dear GAWD!

Except for the almighty Ryan. He signed "I Love You" to Spike before Kendall and Joe took him to the exam, and she didn't spew a single droplet of venom.

But, that's what I'm saying. If Kendall's going to play this revenge thing, then play it for all its worth. STOP IT with the flop flopping. "Let's be friends -- NO, GET AWAY FROM ME!" "Let's take the next step and come see Spike -- NO, DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AT HIM!!" "Let's hang out again tomorrow -- NO, DON'T RUSH THINGS!"

I'm bored with this psycho bitch, already. Real Kendall wouldn't come up with her schemes, and then be afraid to go through with them 100%. This back and forth with her makes absolutely no sense. The only thing she doesn't seem to have a problem with is writing her psycho babble fake journal entries.

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I agree. I hate the stupid Kenlee overtones being added to the scenes to show Kendall being conflicted over what she's doing to Greenlee. Let her own her revenge, and yes I know she's Kendall so she must pay for it, but let her have some fun with it like Zach is having with his evil twisted equally stupid plan.

Instead the Kendall revenge plot is full of whiny pathetic Greenlee squirming around like a kicked puppy when just two weeks ago she was in the NICU haughtily saying she's never going to leave Kendall alone. WTF? When she she flip the script and revert to victim? This would be much more fun if both girls were allowed to stay true to character and not be dumbed down for the sake of the plot.

I think they just want Aidan to ride in as Greenlee's savior and whisk her off into the Graidan romance that will surely come to a halt when they reach a point of conflict leaving Aidan as a ruined bump on the road. That's the only reason I can figure that Greenlee is acting so stupid about Kendall's intentions. She's not even skeptical? Greenlee knew Kendall longer than Aidan, and he knows it's BS.

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