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AMC: Monday

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Im watching right now and Annie is on the floor shot and bloody and instead of calling 911, Ryan raises his gun to Richie and starts blaming him for everything that just happened. STFU! It would serve him right if he got arrested for attempted murder. He talks about taking out his phone and calling the cops to arrest Richie, but um what about calling an ambulance you stupid twat!

Edited to add: I just saw the end and I take back what I said about Ryan. I missed a chunk in the middle though bc the show got prempted her in NY

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I can't STAND how Kendall bitches Greenlee out for using sign language with Spike. She bitched out Ryan about that too. Crazy bitch needs to realize that her deaf son will benefit from sign language at an early age, no matter who is teaching him. Better someone teach him if his mother isn't going to! That really pisses me off - I thought the Depaiva boy knocked some sense into her....guess not.

This show was soooo stupid today. Ryan shoots Annie and within 1 second assumes she's dead and starts threatening Wes. He just automatically accepts that Annie is dead, so he won't call an ambulance??? The crazy bitch is on the floor still BREATHING - so she isn't dead. Hurry up and call someone you idiot! This is the most stupid writing ever.

Calm nuBabe/Tad is OK... :blink:

I'm really enjoying Amanda's attitude today. JR is just a sleazeball.

ETA: I'm only half-way through the show...so my thoughts could change....

Ohhh - the Adam/Hannah stuff is good. She's so flirty and hot for an old woman. I love this actress.

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Just one min! :P Kendall went into labor all by herself. I guess i'd be pretty mad if I were Kendall but Kendall is not usually THIS hateful. I think it's 2002 Kendall more than it should be 2007 Kendall. On another note, I find myself liking Nubabe more than I ever liked OldBabe. I wonder why that is. And wouldn't it be nice if Amanda threw Ava down a well?

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trust me they will. Mine did

IA. Kendall has every reason to be hateful. Greenlee harassed and turned her family upside for weeks prior to the accident. She was jealous and hateful and the accident brought it all to a head and unfortunetly Kendall's kids had to pay the price for her carelessness. Hating Greenlee is her right and I dont see how its out of character seeing how this is typical Kendall. Look at how much she hated Greenlee following her ripping apart her dress at the Cambias trial. Messing with Kendall's kids just magnifyed those type of negative feelings.
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OMG - they tricked me! haha

Thank God for being spoiler-free...that really did throw my emotions for a loop! Good for Annie/Ryan...at least they tried to one-up Wes. Just makes me feel for Wes more though bc it's obvious he cares for Annie at least.

Whew - that really was pissing me off with how stupid the writing was for that if it were going to be real. Whew!

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Kendall is crazy because she wants to seek vengeance on the woman responsible for altering her son's life completely and coming close to killing him?

Kendall is acting like Kendall always has when threatened by someone or something. She is doing everything she can to eliminate that threat....

I thought the Ryan/Annie trick was utterly ridiculous and Cam was unbelieveably bad during the whole thing. I cringed more than I ever have watching him. It just was not pretty to watch and as Alex said, made me feel for Wes even more. Up until Wes/Ritchie came into the picture IU loved Annie, now I really hope it turns out she is the nut!

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I mean I am all for differing opinions but its obvious the writer's manipulations are working on some people. Sorry Alex LOL. I mean yes Kendall is setting herself up for a fall.... if she gets caught and she probably will by Aidan or someone and then she will have to get down on her knees and beg forgiveness from Greenlee.That's really where I sense this is going and that is going to be even more twisted than the whole Bianca/Babe odyssey.

Kendall deserves to exact revenge on Greenlee. She is completely in her rights.

I almost hope Zach and Kendall confess their plans to each other and sort of some how bond over this. Its twisted yeah but I don't think I've ever despised a character as much as I do with Greenlee right now.

Babe admitted what she did at least. Greenlee hasn't even done that.

And now, Aidan doesn't count.

Useless character ever and its proven now because all he is now is a prop/doormat for GreenSleaze.

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