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DAYS: EJ-Sami-Lucas SOD Spoilers

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Courtesy of Forbidden Love:EJami Fan Forum


And then courtesy of soap city :)

Days cover:

Days: Sami Leaving!

Sami Leaves Lucas to Become EJ's Bride on DOOL

Now that the terms of the vendetta have been revealed, this week, Sami asks Lucas for a divorce so she can marry EJ.

"Its awkward," sighs Ali, "she tells EJ first that she'll divorce Lucas and marry him, then she says, "Let's go tell Lucas my decision." And in comes Lucas. He has left the hospital to find her and he's like, "What decision?" She turns around of course, caught. He tells her he found about the conditions of the vendetta from Bo and Steve. She says, " I was going to come to the hospital and tell you, "But he asks what her decision is nd says, " I hope it's that you tell them to go to hell."

Well, not quite. "She tells him it's more complicated, " comments Ali. "And it's horrible. Lucas is just like, "This isn't happening. She aks him to try and understand, but he tells her he can't. The most heartwrenching part of the scene is when she says, "If you had this thing you could do to save your family from harm, woudln't you do it?" And he says, "No, I would never hurt you like that. I couldn't stand to look at you and rip your heart out like that." You really can't argue with that, "She says, "Don't be angry, and he says, "I'm way beyond angry." She's heartbroken, She doesn't want to hurt him and she's devastsated to have to do this to him, but Sami sees this as the only way to save her family."

Though Sami insists to Lucas that the marriage is in name only. "Lucas doesn't think that's very realsiitc, " says Bryan. " He tells her, "You're going to be sleeping there. You're gonna be in the same bed with the guy. Don't you think something's gonna happen? "She thinks they can really survive it, but Lucas assumes that it's the end. He can see how Sami reacts around EJ, that there's definitely something there, and it' is a threat to him, obviously."

" The story is written so that we undertand Sami's enormous sacrafice," explains Hogan "But its also allows for the possibility that, for all her objections to him,. Sami might have deeper feelings for EJ then she's been willing to admitt. That's the beauty of the story. I don't even think Sami knows for sure what her true feelings are for EJ. I believe her when she says she loves Lucas, and I always will. But EJ is a more intriguing duelist right now because we're not quite sure what's going on inside (Sami)."

As for EJ, he's not too unhappy about the way things are playing out. "Thats's all he has ever wanted," points out James. "But look at the circumstances. It's not exactly like he got the prize. It's like having the crown jewels. He gets to keep them, technically, but they're kept in a safe somewhere behind a glass and he can't touch them."

Things get even more complicated when Andre takes Sami and EJ hostage at the Brady's pub, then leaves them to die. "They're tied up and can't get out and the gas is on on the stove, "explains Ali. EJ and Sami are able to free themselves, but the gas fumes become another obstacle. "They're obviously desperate for air and EJ uses his last breath to turn off the gas as he sends Sami to open the door. He passes out in front of the oven. She can't awaken him and she's afraid that he died yet again. While he's unconscious, she says,"You can't die on me. No matter what happened between us. I don't want you to die. You just saved my life and the lives of my twins." And then he finally comes to. At that point, she's cradling him in her lap and is so relieved when she realizes his heart is beating. " Unfortunatley, Lucas comes in and and catches them in the tender moment, but he does not make his presence known.

Later at the hospital, Sami visits with Roman, who has been found and is alive, and runs into Lucas. "He doesn't mention what he saw, but he wants to run away together and I think she's a little taken aback by that, " explains Ali. "She says, 'Where is this coming from?" He won't get specific

but he says, "I want to save our family, I want to save us. That's the most important thing to me. "Let's just go,' So, she tries to explain to him again why she has to divorce him to marry EJ, which is not going over so well." Enter Will, who has been gone for a few months and returns to Salem to a familiar scene: his parents arguing,"He overhears them and he says, 'What's happening, Mom? Are you ruining our family? previews the actress. "Lucas comes to her defense and she says that Sami thinks she's doing the right thing and when Will overhears what it is, he's like, "That's cool, Mom, "You're saving our family, " So, for the moment it looks like Sami's plan could work.

Little do they know that EJ has plans of his own, which include getting Sami to fall in love with him. And, adds Hogan, "There is one more secret about Santo and Colleen that has not been revealed yet. And when it is, it will turn the story in a completely unexpected direction . And for the first time, Stefano is going to find himself on the run from the Brady's-and this time they will be determined to rid the planet of him once and for all. If I revealed anymore, I'd have to be forced to kill you."

Why does EJ tell Sami to shoot him? Explains James:

"I think there is a part of EJ that wants to die if he can't have Samantha. He sees something very romantic to that, kind of like a moth to the flame."

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Well, this is the first story twist that Hogan even seems remotely interested in when discussing it. Any other time he is discussing stories or characters, he seems so far removed it from it, like he's just collecting a paycheck. I think this story could be really good if done right. Now that EJ and Sami are together, Lucas and Sami are going to be the "forbiodden" couple, so they may start getting lots of support.

Oh, and maybe I've been watching soaps for too long, but I would have an orgasm if Colleen was alive after all these years, some crazy old bat in her 70s out for revenge!!! Maybe get Beverly Mckinsey out of retirement lol

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LOL, that is something DAYS would do. But seriously, I think if Colleen was really alive, it could be a real over the top shocker story, that could get some buzz for the show. Maybe put Victoria Wyndham with gray hair, acting crazy like her Justine character on AW :)

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umm i dont want to be a downer but we had that storyline already aka Princess gina...this lady will be AS in 80s makeup and in the next sceen she had plastic surgery and will look like sami and take over sami's life and be with EJ. am i right??? i can smell this storyline a mile away.

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