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AMC: Wednesday

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All My Children

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Today on All My Children..

-Greenlee thinks Aidan doesn't want her.

-Josh asks Hannah what her plans are for Zach.

-Ritchie is getting closer to Annie.

-Ava and JR share a kiss!

Classic Clip! All My Children's 35th Anniversary show!

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ugh, I hated the Josh/Hannah scenes before and I hate them now. She becomes so unlikable around him

Why would Kendall throw away Greenlee's gifts in the Fusion wastebasket? Kind of foolish considering she's pretending to be her friend. At least wait till you leave the building to do that.

The Annie twist at the end was good. I hope they dont make her a completel loon

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I still cant believe they dropped Di and her relationship with Aidan for Greenlee. It sickens me watching him over her as if Di meant nothing. They were soo good and had potential but TIIC never wanted to write for them. Today when Kendall got Babe to be Ava's babysitter bc she can control her, I was thinking um hello, what about Di? She was the one most connected with Ava, but now she's gone

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Touristas Ryan

With Ryan and Annie outside of the home that Zach and Kendall have purchased, it just looks like they are going to have to find some new stomping grounds and act as tourists being lost in a little lonesome town like HO HO Valley. Yep didn't you hear they changed the name to honor the biggest Ho of them all? Yep you will see plenty of 7/11s now in HO HO Valley since there are some people who are like the store and on every street corner open for business. Of course this is nothing like you can get at the Pine Cone MoHotel and even get some skanky sex in the process. So let's take a look at the options Ryan and Annie have available in finding a new place to live. They can always go back to the penthouse and hump like rabbits and make Roseanne Bar toss about ten million cookies-blech! Yep it can be disturbing but oh well they are an okay couple and not as boring as Rylee who were an utter snoozefest. Hey they can always go to the Valley Inn and have dinner there and get the Ho discount from Ryan being the uppity bippity ho. The same applies for Erica, Kendall, and Ava who are all good Hos but with Ryan he is just a low ho down fro go go.

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Aidan on today's show

Okay so I am wondering when he tripped today after going towards Greenlee if that was really in the script or if he did it on accident and they decided to just leave it in the show. What do you all think? I do not see the writers scripting this and it was just an accident. But it was a nice ad lib how nobody said anything about it and they just moved the scene along.

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I hate Ava with both Jonathan and JR. How contrived to make Babe her new babysitter on the same day that she kisses Babe's ex!

Yeah, Kendall was stupid to throw away the gifts at Fusion instead of tossing them in a dumpster outside or waiting until she got home.

I still love Josh & Hannah. I was thrilled that she came back because of him instead of for revenge against Zach. Hannah seems much stronger this time around.

My favorite scene of this episode was when Annie was reading what Richie wrote in her yearbook and then she turned to the page where she scratched out his picture.

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