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Frons dishes the soaps on Soapnet.com

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He talked about how Ryan and Annie are kinda equals and that both of their childhoods were similar and that Annie did what she did to protect her family and we'd find out what and that we'll see Annie go darker at times and that "Ryan and Annie already are a good couple but Annie's s/l will make them a supercouple" because this will be a huge hurdle for the couple to climb and all supercouples must climb huge hurdles. That's all I remember so far.

Here's what I remember that he said about GH:

Frons is already pimping Lulu and Logan as a "supercouple". Says that after Lulu finds out logan slept with Maxie, will she turn to someone who's not yet on the canvas or will she works things out with Logan.

This time Emily will have to help Nikolas get through whatever is going on with him.

Sonny and Kate: Kate will be thrown in the middle of the Sonny/Ric/Trevor crap and she'll be torn between Kate Howard and Connie when it comes to Sonny.

LuSam/JaSam/LnL2/Liason: He said that one of these parings will sleep together and possibly another one will also and he was talking about how Sam didn't want to change Jason and would tote a gun right along with him and talked about Liz and Jason. I'm sorry that I can't remember more but Frons' voice was just annoying.

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Glad to hear that the powers that be see the treasure in GH's Megan Ward. She is making the current mob war watchable, and refreshingly mature and adult oriented.

AMC sounds boring as usual, whereas OLTL seems really exciting. I am thrilled about the Tommy saga, and cant't wait to see BethAnn Bonner be really utilized as Talia. She's phenomenal and makes Antonio likable. I get the feeling that Dorian's going to make Langston in to a Cramer, which is fun.

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Yeah basically he said that fans said Ryan & Annie were put together too fast(LOL duh, dumbass, and fans shouldn't have had to tell you that, [!@#$%^&*] idiot) and that the fans feel they need more hurdles to overcome which will make them a Super Couple :blink:

LOL yeah right Fronsie, Super Couples ARE NEVER manufactured, fans make Super Couples, not the writer's. Ugh

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