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DAYS: Tuesday

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Maybe if he wasn't her Uncle it wouldn't be so bad but he is no its gross. I've never been a fan or incest (whether blood or not). I felt dirty after it was revealed Jill was Kay's daughter on Y&R cause I always thought Billy (Jill's son) and Mac (Kay's granddaughter) were adorable together (when David Tom played Billy and Ashley Bashioum was Mackenzie). Never could get behind Jonathan and Tammy cause they were BLOOD related cousins.

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I liked the Kayla/Bo scenes. I always do.

I liked Chelsea and Kayla's talk. But as I was watching it, I was wondering if Billie knew anything about what Chelsea had been through with Jett being shot in front of her. She should have been there, IMO, even though I did enjoy Kayla and Chelsea talking together because they seldom have scenes and I like it when characters who seldom interact DO. I also enjoyed Kayla on the phone. She was NOT happy.

Max and Stephanie? Cute, yes. But a good idea? No.

Not for a writer who told his audience about icepicks and the consequences of dating relatives.

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Bo and Kayla; Kayla and Chelsea and Nick and the two boys were good. Maybe two pretty quiet days just so Andre as an evil clown will be more powerful? -- ok, seeing the clips, powerful is an understatement and Mon and Tu could have rocked and Andre would still make the hair on the back of my neck stand up and give me chills. I will seriously miss this character when he goes!!

Max and Stephanie - if the not by blood relative thought stays out of my mind, it works better. And actually it doesn't hit me much worse than the generational thing that Days does: I mean I seriously would never bed a guy that had been with my mother. Nasty stuff.

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Today's show was on my TV simply as background--nothing really caught my interest. The only scene I watched was Nick and Jeremy and the twins. I had to laugh at Jeremy hitting Nick up for money. Why is everyone always trying to get money from Nick? He doesn't have any! He's unemployed! I'm starting to feel my dislike for Jeremy soften a little, but I'm not sure why. Maybe because that arrogant cockiness is gone; maybe because Trevor Donovan's acting has improved. Maybe because my Jeremy hatred has transferred to the Max and Stephanie storyline.

I tried to watch some of Philip and Belle, but his behavior is so irritating that I can't enjoy these scenes either. He needs anger management classes, not a child to care for. And Belle's no better--she just makes excuses for him and blindly does whatever he wants. I wish Shawn would dump her; then she could marry Philip and sit in the Kiriakis mansion and count her money while Philip spends his days terrorizing women.

I hope the rest of the week is better!

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First off, Trevor Donvon has really improved over the summer and the last few episodes he has appeared have shown great strides.

In regards to Max and Stephanie, I like the chemistry and their scenes today reminded me of a classic Days supercouple scene (ex. J&J in the cave). The bickering and the fire in a cave...I will admit the scenes were well done and the acting and writing were great. I also appreciate them not skirting around the issue of him being her uncle as it's at least hinted at subtlety. I guess it's not that bad. I like both actors and it's not a blood related issue. It still has an ick factor but if they keep writing it like they did today, I just may be able to overcome it. I don't think this is Hogan's work. I think Benson's exit, along with Fath's, left Hogan in a touch place. Max did nothing in the spring so my feeling was Hogan had no further interest in him. He said he liked him at first but wanted to make him a leading man. That's hard to do when his love interests left. I think Corday and/or Wyman pushed to keep the young ones front and center and Corday likes his young couplings (ex. Shelle) so Hogan probably had no choice but to go Max/Stephanie. I just can't see Hogan going on and on about not doing something and then doing it willingly a year later. It's far to blatant of a flip flop IMO.

Enjoyed Kayla/Chelsea too as it's nice seeing family interacting again. Nice scenes and MBE was fierce today when she told Jeremy off. Trevor was good in those scenes and loved Nick's involvement. Also, nice seeing Bo interact with his daughter. I always like that. The scene with Nick and the kids at the end after hanging up with Chelsea was cute. That was a nice Chick scene.

Belle/Philip was solid too. Good movement in story and JKJ and Martha have some great chemistry going on. I love this Tyler story and I really like Lauren. She would be a great psycho. Good scenes.

I actually thought Tuesday would be bad but I enjoyed it more then yesterday. Go figure.

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