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DAYS: Wednesday, Sept. 5

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Well don't all talk at once...

Surprise! I LOVED the EJ and Sami and Santo and Colleen stuff. Still loving the EJami bickering and fated talk and maybe this is my EJami fangurlishness but it almost seems like they are addressing the Dec. 29 ickiness in a roundabout way with some of this dialogue. I don't watch GH, missed all the Luke and Laura stuff because I'm way too young for that, but I can't help wondering if that is what they are up to in these scenes when we are hearing the word seduction just as many times as we used to hear the word rape. Hmmmmmmm. Would not be opposed to a rewrite of those events at all, but I'm sure there's many here who would be.

Call me crazy, but I liked Nick and the kids. Maybe I'm just so excited to see Nick in a scene that isn't Chelsea crapping on him OR an ex-hooker blackmailing him. Because Chelsea just kind of annoys me lately, so much so, that in today's scenes I was sort of thinking... hey... why don't they put Nick and Billie back together. Because Julie Pinson is too fun and hot to be nothing but the confidant to Nick and Phillip. BTW, that's a Panama hat? Interesting. Do you guys think that guy with the scars on his face was Dr. Rebert back for revenge but disguised? :lol:

As for Touch the Sky... ummmm meh. I sort of paid attention during the Jeremy begging Steph to run away with him and I'm glad Steph said no. Then I kind of ignored the rest until one thing Max said caught my attention when I *thought* I heard him say something to Steph about wanting to get naked. Ummmm... did I imagine that or is that what he said? Not that I really care that much. I just want some clarification.

Can't wait for tomorrow! :)

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You know... I did too! So I must be as nuts as you are, IMA!

I thought this was going to look like Mr. Mom originally, but the chemistry between Nick and the kids was wonderful, and gave Blake some really nice fatherly moments, something we don't see in him... well... ever. It's been Nick-the-tortured-geek for so long, it was fun to see him enjoying himself, with that youthfulness he had when he first started that I loved so much.

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Count me in with those that liked Nick and the kids. He was really natural in the scenes with them, and I also like that this story is taking an interesting and unexpected turn. And we see a mysterious man lurking....I know that's a soap cliche, but I always love it anyways. However, he bore no resemblance to Dr. Rebert so I think someone is going to be disappointed!

IMissAremid, I agree with you about the undercurrents in Sami and EJ's conversation. I got the feeling that they were dancing around what happened on 12/29, trying to re-frame it without actually addressing it. Good luck to them with this because I'm willing to have them do a re-write or clarification or whatever they want to call it--it appears they are trying to ascribe it to "destiny"--but a lot of people are going to be livid! Whatever...I loved those scenes today, and this playful, fun EJ is so appealing. And I'm with EJ--I want the old Sami back (just a more mature version).

TTS--happily, it appears to be ending. I wish they would just all go on the run and off my TV screen, never to be heard from again. Except for Chelsea, if she's written properly and not so annoying and indecisive.

Billie...please, please, please writers, give her a story worthy of JP's talent! She's so gorgeous and such a fun, lively character, and I'm tired of her being backburnered or wasted on lame stories while Jett, Jeremy and the like gobble up so much screen time.

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I tuned in a bit just to see how the Y&R contingent has spiced up the show, and I need an explanation of the airplane plot. Since when have you been on a flight where the whole flight crew was 19 years old? I'd be asking if the pilot graduated high school, let alone obtained flying credentials! The guys are certainly hot...when they don't talk.

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I think the airline plot is coming to a close and it was started pre-Scott.

They started the airline up on there own and it is not on the up and up and I'm not positive but I think most of their passengers knew about the illegal transporting of girls thing which is why they went. At least that is the vibe I got.

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The pilots, Jeremy and Jett, supposedly knew each other from their flight training days with the Air Force (or something along those lines . . . ). So I guess they are supposed to be mid 20s at least? It seems like they were trying to make Chelsea and Steph older through the drinking, etc. Who knows?? lol

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