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GH Promo for week pf Sept 3, 2007

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I wish it were Sam that was leaving but Kelly Monaco is in contract negotiant still.I am NO fan of the actress either and would be more then happy if she were to go.But the one who is suppose to die is MICHAEL and MORGANS nanny.
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If Sam leaves then I definitely won't care at all....but it will be sad to see KM leave. SO for her sake I'm willing to tolerate the slut for years to come.

I'm loving Elizabeth rocking that gun though...lol. I'm guessing its Jason's personal piece from his collection!

I just want Jax & Carly to just stop this farce of a marriage they're in though. Jax belongs with Skye IMO. Carly....meh. I don't care so much who she ends up with. I'd say Sonyy but that ship has sailed it seems. I'm loving his relationship with Kate right now.

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Who in God's name is getting carried like that? They look ridicoulous.

In regards to who is getting killed, well we know it won't be Sonny, Jason, Carly, Sam, Liz, Ric or Lucky. So I'm thinking it may be Trevor or Mike. Please, don't let it be Mike. I love Mike.

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When I read the audience would be shocked at some of the deaths, my concerns quickly went to Mike, Bobbie, Cooper, Max and Milo. I hope all of them make it. I hope Amelia doesn't get caught in the crossfire either. Or Georgie because she doesn't have a storyline, or much of a family.

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