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AMC: Friday

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So how long should Kendall be given to snap out of it? How long does she get to go around acting like a loon, tearing into Ryan and anyone else who tries to tell her what to do?

This all is really reminiscent of Dixie's ordeal in finding Kate. Sure, that lasted 4 years, but she never did find Kate - so why wasn't it ok for her to act delusional and loony when it came to finding Kate? OK, I know there are MAJOR differences in storyline, but the main point I'm getting across is in the last scene - Kendall was totally acting like Dixie, yet Dixie (and any other bitch that Kendall fans hate(d)...Greenlee...Julia....etc) gets no sympathy or understanding at all....but for Kendall, its ok that she's acting ridiculous and crazy?

I know I'm not making my point very clear, but the way I'm thinking it in my head makes perfect sense, I promise! lol

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Kendall needs to go to Oak Haven. Girl is losing her damn mind. Hopefully someone can snap her out of it quick before it gets that serious. Her and Greenlee are both crazy in different ways and it looks like Annie might be joining them. All 3 need to go visit Janet in OH

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Haha - I think that's a BIG reason ;)

Anyway - I can't buy the whole Ian thing bc it's obvious she doesn't give 2 shits about him. Sure, she feels guilty when Zach gives her the disappointed look, but her main concern is a healthy baby boy that is now deaf....and she has the gall to throw a bitchfest at the dad who is trying to learn and teach sign langauge.

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I, for one, don't think it's obvious that Kendall "doesn't give two shits" about Ian. I can tell she loves Ian with all her heart. But she is having a breakdown of some sort, and it's manifesting itself as this obsession with Spike. The guilt she feels for having let Greenlee take Spike (in her mind) is making her afraid to let him out of her sight. You can't control your mental health, and when something like this strikes, there is going to be irrational and maybe even infuriating behavior. Kendall needs love and understanding, which she is thankfully getting from Zach.

In the case of Dixie, the writing never showed me anything that said she was out of her mind with grief for Kate. What I saw on my screen was a woman obsessed with bedding a married man, and that lessened any sympathy I felt for her. And I would have felt that way if it was *any* married man, not just Zach Slater. Kendall is having a hormonal/chemical imbalance, accompanied by post traumatiuc stress with a bit of good, old fashioned depression thrown in for good measure. Dixie seemed perfectly sane to me. JMO.

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Well whether she really does care about Ian...whether she really does deserve a free pass for acting like a loon....I don't care. When I've been watching the last 2 weeks, all I find myself doing is rolling my eyes and yelling at the TV "You stupid bitch...c'mon girl...get a f***ing grip already!". I guess in this instance, I don't care whether it's realistic or not, just like I couldn't care less how realistic it was for Josh to be Erica's unaborted fetus from 20+ years ago. I think Alicia is doing a great job with the material she's given, but I don't really like the way my girl is being written...I don't like the direction she's taking right now.

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the only reason Kendall didnt want to leave Ian today was bc Spike wasnt there. Had Spike still been in the hospital, she wouldnt be giving Ian much thought at all. Im definetly not faulting her bc I think she's snapped and is losing her mind. She needs help and right now I think she needs to stay away from both boys until she can fix herself bc she isnt doing any of them any good the way she is. She's only going to get worse if action isnt taken and Im scared of what she might do.

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EXACTLY - and even when she was pretty much forced to be with Ian (since Ryan and Zach finally were able to get Spike away) - she still calls up Ryan so she can talk to Spike OVER THE PHONE when its obvious the poor kid couldn't hear her at all. So while she's with Ian...she's still only thinking about Spike.


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Haha - ok when I say that, I don't 100% mean it - I know ultimately she cares about Ian's life....but she (and the writers) aren't showing us that...again, she's now at the hospital without Spike, where she can give her FULL attention to Ian - yet all she does is call Spike, think about Spike, and LEAVES IAN'S ROOM to go to a stranger's room who has a kid that reminds her of SPIKE. haha --- c'mon now...you gotta see my point.

And the time line was more rhetorical - I know you can't say "Ok, you get 2 weeks of going crazy, but after the 14th day, you MUST snap out of it..." - I'm just not liking the direction the writers are taking Kendall...her sanity is in question and it isn't in a good way....its coming off in an annoying way.

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I'm sorry if I sound bitchy, and it's nothing against you, but I'm sick of people saying for Kendall to "get over it" or "snap out of it" and ish like that.

It just doesn't work that way. I mean I wouldn't go up to someone who is mentally and tell them to "get over it". I could do alot of damage to that person

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^^But that would make more sense for someone like Janet, or anyone who has prior issues with mental instability.

This is Kendall - OUR girl Kendall! Don't you just wish you could go up to her and be like "Listen girl, you need to get your [!@#$%^&*] together for your kids...this isn't good. C'mon girl, let's snap out of it!" lol

And it's all good Angie - I know we don't always agree - I don't take arguments like this personal...we both have our feelings and opinions and it's all good :)

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