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AMC: Friday

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Starship Troopers Ryan

Ryan is going to now need some backup it looks like to keep the Green eyed monster away from his family! No matter how many times he tells her to stay out of the family business and get away from the family jewels, she is just right there and helping out Annie. Well geez instead of being such a jerkoff, couldn't he have at least thanked her for helping out his wife? After all, Greenlee is not always going to be a bad person and does often do some good things for people even though overall she is just as selfish and self centered as the beloved Ferret Face. Now it seems as if his superhero tricks are not going to keep her from reading the Kama Sutra with Annie and getting in on some lessy action that will even make Bianca and Maggie jealous! So to prevent this from happening, one HO has to call in backup from the other HOs and try to exterminate whatever is left of the Greenlee. This mission will also include plenty of scheming, conning, and HOing around and of course Ryan takes great pleasure in all of those things and, as I say, once a con always a con. Now if only he can start to con people out of their money on the street corner since they won't get any pleasure from him as the only thing he would do is provide a few kisses and offer to play Candy Land (not even Strip Candy Land!) so hence the man of the night is a boring routine for Ferret Face. Now I just wonder what Greenlee will do next to warrant such a restraining order. Will she forget to cross her ts? Uh oh!


You know I have to say they have one of the funniest and most refreshing friendships on this show and it is always a treat to see them in scenes together. I always love it when Tad calls him Fish N Chips. For some reason it just strikes me as hilarious and again proves that Tad has that good sense of humor in him. They tend to work well off of each other and have a lot of chemistry and are there for each other in rough times and what not. Kudos to Tad/Aidan friendship!

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ITA, why is Kendall wandering into some stranger's room and asking to hold the poor woman's baby?? She has a baby of her own right there in the same building as her!! Sure, she can't hold him and he's recovering, but it still counts! I know she's been through a lot, but still. I wonder what Zach will do to Kendall once he finds out that she's fawning over other women's children. She's acting like Bianca when she stole Miranda aka Bess from the hospital, but Bianca had actually "lost" her baby when that happened!!

The scenes at the comeback were great, I loved it when Tad imitated Aiden's accent!! The Ava/Amanda kiss was hilarious, I don't think Amanda is doing a good job as her - as Babe put it - "friendiger". I definitely should get a screenshot of that.

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