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AMC: Do you think that AMC has gotten better with the new HW's?

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Well I'm gonna start off saying that AMC has gotten better with B&E. Its not great it is still good, and it keeps me glued. I think with this "Crash" storyline affecting so many people I like that. Even though Kendell is on we still get to see Erica more often being there for her daughter. :D I also like the balance in this storyline. Also I am loving that we see more Stuart/Adam, Erica, Jackson, Joe and all our VETS! I hope that AMC can continue down this road. I hope B&E does not mess this up! I have faith. Also I have seen that there has been many changes. The only thing to get AMC better is that Jill has a contract, also bring back David Howard, and Brooke!

So what do you think of AMC right now? Is it better, worse or just the same. This discuss the bad and ugly of AMC these past few weeks when B&E were wrting.

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I think they're off to a good start. The show is still far from perfect, but it keeps me entertained day in and day out. I FF very little scenes. IMO, the show kicked off to a great start the moment the interim writers took over. Kay Alden did a wonderful job during her months trying to repair the damage McTavish had done. The quality of the show took a nosedive after Alden left, but it was still better than the nonsense that Mctavish was spitting out.

So basically, I think it's too early to tell kserox, but I like your thread anyway.

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Too early to tell. They've certainly upped the stakes, and the car crash doesn't feel like a stunt in the usual cynical ABC way.

I hope they find a way of making this show truly intergenerational. There's been a glut of under-30 white, heterosexual females in Pine Valley for years now in a blatant attempt to capture that demographic. I, for one, would like a richer, more diverse experience for AMC; after all, that's what AMC is all about.

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It's too early, imo, to really judge their work. I'd give them another two to three months at the very least to see what types of new stories they start to tell.

So far, they are a vast improvement over McT, which really doesn't say much considering what a hack she is.

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I don't know. I'm having trouble figuring out their tone and voice for the show right now. The Crash story is kind of dark and dramatic... while JR and Ava being held hostage by the drug dealer was campy and played for laughs even though everybody outside of the beach house was all tense and dramatic -- oh, wait -- Amanda L. "I Wish I Was A 'Friends' Writer" Beall wrote that breakdown, so of course it was all over the place. And then the totally unusual monologues episode where the characters/actors broke the fourth wall and spoke directly to the audience was kind of odd -- wait a second... Mandy wrote that breakdown, too. Hmmm...


It seems like they're milking the Crash storyline for every last drop. They're talking about dragging this out for the next six to twelve months, so... I don't know. Maybe if we start seeing other storylines besides Crash -- and by "other storylines" I mean long term storylines other than these 2-3 day B stories -- we might be able to see if B&E made Pine Valley a good place to visit. But I know that at the end of the day, the Crash storyline is only going to go so far. They can't ride this wave for a year and expect it to hold the viewers' interest.

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I actually tuned in to AMC for a few weeks to see the new writers and the big drama with the crash. I only lasted two weeks because all the baby drama got old real quick for me. I am tired of it already and the storyline is just beginning. I think that the new writers said this was going to play out for a whole year. How in the world are they going to milk this storyline for a year???? I don't care for the new Greenlee and I abhore the idea of a Rylee reunion especially after what she has done to Spike. Plus, if you are not a Zendall fan, then you are pretty much screwed.

I think some of the interaction between the family members has been great. The actors have been doing really good job also. It just isn't a strong enough storyline for me to keep me watching the show. I think that they are making a mistake in the sense where there really is one big storyline line going on and the rest feels like just filler to me. I think I would be more positive if I knew they were going to bring back key, core characters and vets. The fact that their first priority is the teen scene scares me. I think that there is a little improvement but not enough to get me to continue to watch AMC again.

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Well, in all honesty, I think AMC's teen scene is the weakest of the three ABCD soaps. OLTL has the high school kids, GH has the college kids -- AMC only has Sean and Colby.

We've had all of these kids SORAS'd so much that who's what age and when is all over the map.

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In threory AMC is better now that it was this time last year under McBS , but that's only because AMC 2006 was such a trainwreck, but B&E don't really have much going on. Same damned stories on everyday. Also, the least of AMC problems is the writing. They have systematically gotten rid of all the characters we like. I'll always watch...but it's not really All My Children anymore. It's like a new show...and one that's fairly mediocr at that.

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Megan started out with glowing reviews, too. I don't know. I mean, it sounds like the overall attitude with fans is better, which I think is a good indicator of how B&E are doing. Since I'm not watching, I can't make a true judgement (yeah, I know, I shouldn't be giving my opinion anymore, anyway) but, as one of the fans who didn't survive Megan's reign of terror (and I know some others) it's going to take a time for B&E to win them back. If B&E can live up to what they're touting this storyline as, I think they'll start to get the trust of the fans, but if this just turns out like Bianca's rape, and an ultimate plot point, then I don't believe AMC is in this for the long haul.

Here's hoping. :)

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