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OLTL PreVUE: Week of August 13 Edition

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OLTL PreVUE: Week of August 13 Edition
A family is reunited in the wake of tragedy, two old adversaries find themselves trapped together, a young mother is accused of murder, and old habits are hard to break as "One Life to Live" airs its 10,000th episode.

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Glad everyone is enjoying the previews for next week. They are really looking great, and remember that next Friday OLTL celebrates their 10,000th episode.

Two side notes that you may be wondering about are as follows. For starters, there is an issue right now with images on the main site so that's why their is no spoiler picture or actor photo with the previews. And secondly, if you are looking for the ABC Plus Previews for the week of Aug. 20th, keep looking. ABC has not released them yet. Just thought I would pass this info. along for those curious.

Getting back to the previews, nearly all the stuff next week looks to be really awesome. :)

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Hey Jay, if you're going to sing it, sing it right :D...

Here's what you do when you don't find the rainbow's end

This time

Here's where you go when it looks like the rain won't end

Don't cry

There's always tomorrow, where you can have a second chance

And after tomorrow, all that you have to remember

Here's what you do when you think nobody cares

For you

Look in my eyes and see there's an answer there

It's true

We'll find tomorrow, a place for us, I know because...

Time only knows

How long forever's going to last

And we don't even need to ask

Let's live today

And find someone to share it with

'Cause we only have one life to live

Don't cry

I'll give you tomorrow

Let me be the one you share it with

And each day that follows

'Cause we only have one life to live

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Let's cross our fingers. I think there's a good chance for some good soap coming up. Aside from a few scenes from a few airhogs, lately the dialogue has been pretty good. And I'm really liking new Sarah. She reminds me of a young Julie Harris (see East of Eden 1955). I'm so glad they didn't go the "vacuous model" route when they cast her.

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I'm glad Michael cut ties with John, it's been long overdue. Maybe now, they'll give the relationship some proper build up and finally explore Michael's side of their previous bad history.

Loving the Langston spoilers. I wish I could get some Langston/Marcie bonding... I think since Prom Night, they could really bond with each other on their experiences.

I can't wait for Alex to come back, I wish she was sticking around. Her antics and personality made Asa (and the Buchanan family in general) interesting to me.

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