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ATWT: Wednesday August 8 Episode

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I'm not even excited about Rosanna's return anymore. Every single couple on this show bores me to no end, and unfortunately all the plots are about convoluted love stories. Craig is the only person I can watch in these circumstances. Luke and Noah better bring home the goods.

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Yeah, I agree. My exitement for Rosanna is slowly going away. Maybe I will feel better about it once she plays opposite Scott Bryce. I just never liked the pairing of Paul and Rosanna...yuckkkkkk!!!. I always liked Rosanna with Craig(previously played by Hunt Block). But there is Meg in the way...oy...Meg and Paul should just get together and bore each other to death. So we can be rid of them once and for all.

Luke and Noah are the only couple besides Carly and Jack I am rooting for. Actually they(Luke and Noah) are my #1 couple. I hope fireworks ignite between the two of them. Anything to help me forget who is writing this crap called ATWT. Go Nuke!!!

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You know, Maddie is going to get exactly what she deserves; she knows nothing about Alison, yet she's always the firing squad for everyone else's business of what they did wrong or right in their lives.

I give Meg a small round of applause for sticking it to both Craig and Lucinda...I just want Lucinda to get her company back; and want Craig to crap his pants when and if Paul returns with Rosanna.

I actually liked the scenes between Will/Gwen/Sage. Finally for a moment we have some family dynamics for them; besides always seeing Gwen/Will in some dire situation was boring, so it was refreshing to see them interacting with some actual family.

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This coming from a person who her sister slashed all of Oakdale. :lol:

I still am not loving Meg. She has dropped on my like list.

For me Will/Gwen/Sage was more pimping stuff...I dont know...like how great parents they would be...barf....LOL

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I actually didn't see it that way; I will be the first to say that I don't have a strong tolerance for Will and Gwen (primarily due to their rapid over-exposure)... It didn't seem like pimping to me when they had their scenes with Sage....but it really did when they had the teen crew in the midst.

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I am wounded!!! :D

Eh...okay show. Who have Luke and Noah offended, to be dressed in day after day of stripes...and now Noah's in checks? I'm just aghast at the choices this wardrobe department is making. (Don't get me started on Katie's never ending parade of fugly dresses!)

Well, I wasn't ticked off by any story...every thing kind of moved along today. I think Sage is darling, and makes Willen tolerable. Maddie's back to being a big gossip, and I guess I'm supposed to think Noah is protesting a little too much about everything connected to Luke. And Luke? Newsflash...not everything revolves around you. He is so Lily's child.

I hope today's the last day of SleepingPrincess Rosanna and Paul. I'm a little ticked Paul keeps yammering about him and Craig. HELLO!?!?!? You could at least mention Ro's sister Carly, lunkhead!

So not convinced any Board would vote Meggie in on that little speech. La Liz was awesome, and only Craig would be thrilled he'd been ripped a new [!@#$%^&*], since it also knocked Lucy.

Looks like an awesome Carjack day tomorrow!

Ohh...looks like I was missed....:) Just had stuff to do today, didn't get to watch it until late.

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When it comes to anything involving Rosanna, you know they are rarely going to bring Carly into it...unless it's in passing and after the fact.

As for Maddie; her mouth should take a backseat. She's the last person to make judgement calls on someone else's lifestyle. She must have forgotten when her little butt caused all the hell with Katie/Mike and that annoying BJ Green.

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:lol: Don't feel wounded. :) I just like what I like. Actually, my favorite of all time is Holden and Lily. But they are a couple already..and I have gone through thick and thin with them. So them breaking up again(rolls eyes :rolleyes: ) is just ridiculous! Gawd...but has Jack look so hot lately. I dont know what it is. But Michael Park is super hot lately. But of course all my loving goes to Nuke. Two guys who have great potential to be the first gay supercouple. I can dream cant I? :P

I dress in stripe shirts everyday. Luke and I would be matching twins. I actually liked the shirt he was wearing yesterday.

Yes, he is his mother's son. I remember Lily would do the same thing when Holden was after her.

Me too. I am bored alreday with it.

La Walsh always rocks in my book. The board meeting was interesting. But no way...I agree would Meg be voted CEO.

Oh you werent around? :lol::P I didnt notice. :D:)

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I managed to catch the scenes revolving around Willen from the Willen board.

Sage is probably my least favourite kid but the scenes with her and Willen were cute.

Glad to see that the writers remember that Will & Ali used to be good friends once.

Before you know it, Maddie will be another Katie. I can't stand that girl.

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