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Days Gets New Time-Slot in NYC Tri-State Area

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The Martha Stewart Show" moves to 1PM, featuring headliners, celebrities and ordinary people sharing their recipes and offering tips on how to make one's home more beautiful and organized. "The Martha Stewart Show" is followed by NBC's long-running and successful daytime drama, "Days of Our Lives," in its new time period at 2PM.

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NBC is killing this show! Days has traditionally always been shown in the NYC tri-state area at 1:00, so I doubt a lot of people will follow it to 2:00. OLTL currently airs in that time spot in the NYC area and is currently ahead of Days in the overall ratings, which could hurt Days. ATWT also airs in that time spot and is also ahead of Days, but let's not forget that NYC is the biggest television market in the nation and tends to favor the ABC soaps...

Most schools in the NYC area tend to end at 2:30 to 3:00, so I don't see how that will tremendously impact ratings. Also, it's summer and it's obvious none of those kids at home are doing anything to help Days' ratings.

Other NBC affiliates could very well follow suit and cahnge the show's time slot. I can so see NBC affiliates gradually dropping Days if this time switch isn't successful, which will effectively be the end of Days on NBC. They're playing with fire by switching the show's traditional time spot.

Didn't Days also get a later time spot change in Chicago, earlier this year? That wasn't very effective and Chicago is another one of the nation's biggest television markets.

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WOW! This is horrible. That means DAYS will loose its veiwers. When does it move?

DAYS will have to compete agianst OLTL and ATWT! This is horrible for them! :(

ETA:At least they don't have to compete with Y&R, B&B and AMC now.

But agian it does not matter because DAYS ratings had gone down the tubes. Also that when PSNS aried at 2 it never grabbed that much viewers. It looks like this is the end. They are going to keep pushing it back until they feel that DAYS is loosing all its viewers. I feel so bad for DAYS fans

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Hmmm..so it is taking Passions timeslot. Here Days runs up against AMC and B&B the first half hour and the second half hour against ATWT and OLTL. I dont think it's good news. A time change when the show has been on at 1pm for so long cant be good for it.

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I actually think DAYS will do a bit better here. The reason why I am saying this is because right now they are closets to ATWT in the ratings. There only I think .1/.2 away from them. When they were at 1pm they were .3 away from AMC and .6/.7 away from B&B.

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In my area (the Philadelphia area), DAYS comes on at 1:00 and is up against All My Children, the last half hour of Y&R and B&B.

I have 3 NBC stations (one local, one Philly and one NY). DAYS used to come on at 12 on the Philadelphia NBC station, which made it possible for me to watch/record DAYS, AMC & Y&R. They moved it to 1 when Martha's new show came on.

I will say that maybe this'll be a good move. If Martha has good ratings for that area, they now provide a solid lead in going into DAYS. In many areas, PSNS comes on before DAYS, meaning DAYS doesn't have a strong lead in.

In many markets, the reason CBS does so well is because of the lead-ins. You have Y&R, then B&B, then GL, then ATWT. In my market, GL comes on at 10:00 and it's lead in is some stupid show.

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They'll be in competition directly with OLTL at that time slot in the NYC market too. OLTL is now the second highest ABC soap and the ABC soaps tend to be the dominant winners in the NYC tri-state area.

Many Days fans are used to its traditional time slot, NBC should know better than to mess with time and brand loyalty.

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