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"It was a horrible mess that McT created. Well the initial idea was great, bc of course we'd love to have a Tad/Dixie offspring in this world....but the way it was written was horrible.

Then when McT left, it got better with the whole Julia twist....


To give credit where due I'm pretty sure McT started the Julia twist too...


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Well - since Zendall wasn't in the scene, I'm sure you were fast forwarding (:P I kid, I kid) - but just last week when Tad/Krystal were talking about their new house, Tad started talking about a room for Kathy and he choked up and Krystal consoled him.

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Haha - noooo, they learned their lesson after the first time ;)

And the Julia Twist happened during the Christmas season...which is when Kay Alden was totally influencing the show and steering it in a great direction. Do you remember when December and January were AMAZING...and then it started going to hell again until McT's 'official' last day came when Zoe left for good at the end of April? I think those last couple months of McT's reign, she was barely doing anything...

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December/Janaury although was still kind of crappy in terms of the storylines, there seemed to be more focus on family, and interpersonal relationships at that time. The episodes were more balanced and had a nicer feel to them. It gave us at least me a sense it wasn't all McTavish in terms of what was making it to screen and what wasn't.

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During the short time that I have been watching (at the time of the Satin Slasher), I have loved what I have been watching. I didn't like at all that they killed off Dixie, however, the show to me, was fan more balanced and enjoyable to watch than some of other shows that was being watched during that time frame.

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No, we don't. And as far as character-driven and balanced material? I begged Andy to pass me the pipe so I can see these visions, but, nooooo... Kept that shit all to himself. :angry:

What I remember was:

Brooke's miserable last scene: "Do you have a new lead on Kate?"

Simone's death being overshadowed by Erin's. Simone's father didn't even show up, yet everyone in town had oodles and oodles of anecdotes and memories of Erin -- who'd only been in town for a year and was pretty damn bland.

Amanda L. Beall getting on my bad side by making it seem as if God has absolved Tad from torturing and murdering Greg Madden.


Livia, I stuck a man in the ground. And then I dug him up, and I put him back there all over again. Why would God care about a man like me? Why should he?


I know God cares for you. And I know that as long as you're alive, you can pray, and as long as you can pray, there is hope. Christ died so that we are all forgiven, we are all saved. Now, you simply have to accept and receive that.

This, coming from an officer of the court. Nice way to use Livia. Kick rocks, Beall. :angry:

And then God, apparently, decided to kill Julia's friends so Kathy/Kate would be freed from the horribleness of... *gAsP*... ADOPTION so Tad could have his daughter back.

January was all about Babe. Danielle's attack? Babe. Dixie's death? Babe.

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Ok - first of all, we never would have gotten scenes with Tad confiding in Livia like that under McT. Tad trying to fight through his pain and his struggles with God is totally character-driven material.

We had the good part of Zoe's story - where she finally came out as a woman - and remember the Bianca in the mirror scene? The entire month of January was character-driven Zoe/Bianca stuff. It wasn't until that was pushed to the side and Zoe became PV's punching bag in the Chandler Mansion that things kind of went downhill for awhile.

Julia finally gets friends and a storyline! I thought the entire Kathy/Julia and her friends dying in a car crash was emotional and well written.

We finally had Tad and Dixie coming together and having their date and their kiss. Then Cady pissed off a bigwig and she was killed, which of course sucked. But I really enjoyed the funeral, even if Babe's fake death was a part of that, we had some AMAZING performances by Bobbie Eakes, MEK, Jacob Young, etc...

We finally had Danielle doing something, even though she was in peril, she was on for a long time - and that gave us some AMAZING Derek/Livia/Danielle scenes. Remember when Derek and Danielle were in the hospital and she woke up and said "Daddy"! OMG!

I don't think Erin's death overshadowed Simone's at ALL. We saw Kendall mourn over Simone a lot - and we had the Tad looking at Simone's body scene, where he broke down. Also, TO THIS DAY, we still hear more about Simone than Erin. Ever since Greenlee's been back, we've all heard about "What would Simone do..." - and of course Terri Ivens came back as a ghost Simone.

Sure, people mourned over Erin too, as they should. They can't just gloss over her death either, when her two big brothers are there. Speaking of which, during this timeframe, we had Joanna Cohen's FIRST day as scriptwriter - and it was when Jonathan and Ryan broke down over Erin's death....and well we all know how good that was - even you R! You LOVED it! ;)

During this time, we also had some good set balance. They were able to diversify the settings used on each episode - and that always makes watching a show more enjoyable...as you don't get bored with the Fusion office or hospital all the time.

During this time, we had some great Aiden/Di romance scenes, which of course has gone to hell now. But during that time - we had them!

I'm sure there are several more amazing things coming from that time period - and I remember during the daily threads that most of the AMC fans around here were enjoying that time period and could definitely see the difference in the entire feel of the show. And I'm pretty sure Kay Alden held her interview on AMC around that time, where it was confirmed she was looking over the show and putting her influence on the writing.

There, happy now? :P:)

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