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A lot of my extreme dislike (I really don't like using "hate" even about fictional characters, LOL; I try to be a nice person!) for Lucas comes from past history. I remember his very first day onscreen, and I didn't like him then. He was arrogant and full of bluster and a mama's boy--and all these years later, he still is. He's done terrible things with no real remorse or redemption. Many times he has proclaimed his love for Sami, only to take back that love when she schemes and lies--well, Sami is a schemer and a liar. That's who she's always been. If Lucas doesn't want a liar and a schemer, he should track down Carrie and break up her and Austin--AGAIN. So when you see me talking about Lucas, that's where I'm coming from. Sure, he has a right to be upset about EJ, any husband would be angry. But to yell and throw punches and make ridiculous threats and put stress on your pregnant wife because you can't deal with your anger and jealousy (and I do believe some of this is coming from the jealousy Lucas always had for EJ) is not a mature way to handle the situation. I just want Lucas gone, out of Salem completely. The EJ/Sami relationship is completely separate, in my mind anyway. I think they would be a great couple because they have amazing chemistry and I just enjoy watching them together, but the writers did make a big mess with this rape and that's going to be a hurdle that has to be addressed and dealt with in some manner.

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No resevation? Your wife is having another man's babies....that's tough. But your wife having her rapist's babies....that's even tougher.

Lucas' mixed emotions is very realistic, IMO.

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You're not alone. I get Lucas and what he's going through. What some take as being selfish and immature, I take as being realistic and natural. Like Toups said, it's one thing having to raise another man's baby but it's another thing knowing that the man was your wife's rapist. And it's not like he flat out said he would not raise the babies nor did he say he would hate the babies. He just needs some time getting adjusted to and I wholeheartedly understand that. :) I don't get the bashing either.

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ICAM. How exactly is a man supposed to act around his wife's rapist? I'm not married but I'm pretty that were I in Lucas's position, I wouldn't be exhibiting the same self-control. It would take all my strength not to rip the !@#$%^&*] to shreds.

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Lucas reaction towards EJ doesn't bother me. He believes Sami was raped with a gun to her head. So his anger is natural. However what does bother me is his complete dismissal of EJ's various efforts to keep Samantha safe. EJ has saved Samantha's life atleast 3 times now and Lucas still refuses to see that EJ very much just wants Samantha safe. He has gone against his family BOTH Stefano and "Tony" and has fought to keep her and her twins safe since he found out "Tony's" true motives he had for the children. It's like he refuses to see that EJ very much is trying to help Sami.

He has every right to be angry at EJ for her Sami's "rape" and he is allowed to have conflicted feelings about Sami's pregnancy however Lucas's behavior around Sami and Marlena earlier in the episode was just childish and was very much akin to a 5 year old kicking up sand because Sami didn't agree with his point of view. Lucas blew a fuse when Sami was thankful for all that EJ has done.

That's one of my problems with Lucas. The way he acts when Sami disagree's with him. It's as if Sami doesn't agree with what he thinks is right he just runs off in a rage or he beats her down with an arguement until she complies to what he wants. He usually does that either threw anger or guilt.

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Sami wouldn't be in danger PERIOD were it not for EJ. His twisted plan to "plant his seed" is the very reason Tony & Stefano are after the twins. These "various efforts" to keep her safe are akin to Patrick "rescuing" everyone on Melaswen after helping Tony kidnap them. I don't expect Lucas to trust EJ any more than I expected Jack or Bo to trust Patrick.

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True to some extent because he sired the children. However EJ isn't the one who is endangering Samantha. It's "Tony" because of the stem cells.

But the point I was making is that he is trying to help her. Atleast Sami and Marlena can acknowledge that he is trying to help keep Sami safe. Lucas refuses to acknowledge that EJ has put his life on the line for Sami several times in trying to protect her since she came under attack from "Tony". Lucas completely ignores all of this.

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How low can this show sink? I thought that beach crap was bad. This stuff with Jeremy (didn't they imply he raped that girl Inga?) seems to be giving General Hospital a run for its money as the worst crap to hit the air.

And something has got to be done about that fake Valley Girl Stephanie. Invasion of the Valley Girls in stewardess outfits is intolerable.

Just a day or 2 after some phenomenal Anna material & other great Dimera stuff we get this load of rubbish. The Dimera material was silly & badly executed. It also smacked of the guns & yelling version of GH we've been stuck with for way too long. No sense to any of it just a lot of "what the hell" and "why are they pulling all this crap?"

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I think the teen/20's scene (Chelsea/Stephanie/Nick/Jett/Jeremy/Max) is all completely unneeded and uninteresting.

It's sad that there are very few interesting "teen scenes" on the soaps now a days. I think ATWT and GH have the best teen/twenties group out of all of the 7 soaps i've seen lately.

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A purely objective observer would acknowledge EJ's efforts, yes. But Lucas is not objective nor is it fair to expect him to be. He'll always see EJ as the man who raped his wife and consequently, his gut reaction will always be "don't trust the guy" or "he must have an ulterior motive". It's different for Sami because she wants to believe her twins' father has some good in him. IMO, both of their reactions are natural given the circumstances.

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