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ATWT: Wednesday....Fourth of July Episode

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Isn't it sad that you have to lower your standards to enjoy ATWT. I do that sometimes as well with other shows. But not with ATWT. This show could be so much better with a new headwriter. It's my all time favorite soap so I still have hope...fading of course that Jean will be out soon.

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Ron and James, I know exactly what you mean. I miss the Hughes BBQ, too. I kept waiting in the first segment for Kim to call and invite some guests to the BBQ or to have Nancy show up at KAQY looking for Kim to bring the potato salad, but nothing. We got nothing.

Oh, wait. I forgot. That would've been useless showing the vets. :rolleyes: They wouldn't be interesting enough to have an interesting story of their own! :rolleyes:

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Today's ATWT episode was a complete waste of time. All I got out of it was the scenes involving Agim Kaba and seeing that guy Vienna was giving a massage to. Why can't there be a mandate ordering all the soap hacks to write BBQ's for the 4th of July having nearly the entire cast interacting with each other? Stuff like that is so much entertaining than this.

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Well, the bad first...when will these hacks stop rewriting history? OKAY, first, Susan hasn't been drunk since Ali's been born. Yet (and this isn't the first time, either) that Emily talks like Alison had to deal with Susan's drinking too. This "we've kept our lives secret to not upset mom" thing is crap. Funny, but I thought Susan replied just a little too hastily when Em praised that she'd "dealt" with these shocks so well.

Second history rewrite...Katie was AT Hal and Barb's engagement party when Brad blew the Parker paternity scandal. I know that's a little inconvienent for TIIC to remember, since Katie was a teen when that Brad was an old lecherous a-hole. And why is Jack surprised Katie knows about it? Didn't Katie "write" a book of recycled gossip just last year?

Sorry to disagree with you Dusty, but it looks like Agim's returned with his sucky acting intact. I had hope that one day, but he's just kind of "vacant" today, KWIM? And what man in his right mind is going to blame himself when his girlfriend becomes a porn star, because he called her a whore? Don't get me wrong, I don't advocate any man calling a woman a whore...but GMAB. I guess it's a good thing he didn't tell her to take a slow boat to China, God knows what would have happened to her there.

KACK...where does one start? OH, how about, "I'd love to have some of what Jack's smoking..."??? I don't know where his pissy little attitude came from (well, yeah I do....he's still obviously twisting with jealousy over the thought Carly "loved" Simon...) but how he can convince himself that Carly's not interested in him AT ALL is beyond me. Yeah, I get it....Jack's thick. But was he not just inches from mackin' up on her just last week? The more he keeps placating Katie about how "strong they are", yadda yadda....the faster this KackKrap will end. In fact, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. (And yes, it is a train ready to smack the doe-eyed Katie into next year...)

Katie: Someone needs to b!tchslap her into next week. I wish Carly would have shot back a few pertinent factoids about Katie's less than pristine life. Uh, how about the fact she gave it up to Simon, just nine months ago? Katie comes off as a totally vindictive little b!tch. I just hope it means she's heading for a fall soon.

I cut Lily some slack on that talk with Carly, because she's right in one respect. This game of making Jack jealous by "dating" Brad won't work on him. And Carly's been through this one too many times to have forgotten it. Although it looks like it's whipping Katie up into a froth, so maybe not all is lost.

Dusty/Em. GAG ME.

Previews...I'm gonna gag if the entire eppy is spent lolly-gagging at Branson. GMAB.

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