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Have American Soaps any old Battleaxes???????????

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In All Of the uk soapoperas we have had all kinds of old battleaxes trueout the years, my question is have there ever been any in us?, when i mean old battleaxes i meen old, nosy, harsh, dominerring women, they are usually the comlete opposite of old grandma Alice Horton from Days Of Our lives, in the UK there have been many but the first battleaxe was Ena Sharples played by actress Violet Carson who appeared on Coronation Street a long time ago, and if you still dont really understand what it is i am saying when i meen those old battleaxes then watch the clip from youtube, and look out for Ena. Ena Sharples is the old woman with a hairnet.........!!!!!!!!!!


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It's funny, I was just thinking that CBS has those three battleaxes: Lucinda, Stephanie and Katherine. It's great that those shows have changed these tough women into wimpering grannies. Glad they still have their bite. Here's to many more years of them dishing it out. Lisa on ATWT was the original soap b*tch, but she was declawed about 10 years ago, which was a real shame. I can only hope that something will happen and Lisa and Lucinda will get into a storyline that let's them show their fangs! LOL.

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Tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, I assume? If so, I totally agree. Lucinda shouldn't be running around making Meg get her company back. Lucinda should be kicking and screaming trying to get her company back herself, doing what she wants, doing it with SMARTS, and not feeling bad about it.

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Lucinda knows Craig has locked up all avenues to Worldwide by having turned the executives against her. So she went through his personal feelings for Meg to get the job done. The idea that she, Katherine or Stephanie are "wimpering grannies" is ridiculous. With all the murders and other crimes they've been running around trying to cover up lately? Has your grandmother been up to that?

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