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Tuesday June 12 ....ATWT Episode

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Great show Today :) Loved seeing Babs again today(I also noticed the voice issue). Meg is such a slut, I agree with AMS she needs to fall off that cliff and break her neck(take Katie with you). Loved the kids today, I love Parker with all my heart, and god is Mick Hazen like the best young actor ever, he better be nommed next year for an emmy. I have lost respect for JJ he should have came out with the truth. I am loving Carly right now, loved the one liners.

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I could care less about Jade. I havent missed her one bit. As for Meg on the ledge.....Boy does JP love characters falling off of something. Another trademark of hers. The whole Craig/Meg/Paul storyline is beyond stupid. We are to believe Craig is that stupid not to know Meg and Paul are sleeping together? Jean Passanante either ruins a character or totally dumbs down the character. There were a lot of vets on today too bad the storylines arent up to par.

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I'm glad I'm not the only who noticed CZP's sudden lisp. I swear, it wasn't even in the first scene. LOL...at first I thought maybe she's had her upper lip botoxed or something. Glad Barbara brought up the obvious...just how long does Paul think he's going to be able to "let" Meg be Craig's wife?

Uh...why didn't Parker just blurt out, "JJ saw me put the gun away!"? And ugh...I've seen major surgeries given less attention than Faith's "wound" on this show. It's a friggin' BB, and it grazed her, according to Jack. JHC, I thought we'd have a whole bunch of Snyder lining up to donate blood.

The Jack/Carly scenes were intense. And those kids are ridiculously good. Parker was close to softening to Carly, then his inner cynic came out, and he accused Carly of saying she believing him to get close to him.

Katie needs to STFU with her St. Katherine act. I don't believe for a minute she is some kind of "friend" to those kids, and didn't cozy up to them to land Jack. But watching Craig ignore her was PRICELESS. I will give her a little credit...this time she didn't invite herself to go along with Jack to the farm.

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Don't get me started on how everyone overlooked JJ's hysterics about this accident. Even little Faith showed she's Lily's daughter when she ignored Parker's concern, because she'd seen him with another girl. I liked that little Morgan...even if I think her hair looked like a Vegas' showgirl's. :lol:

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This is why I come here before watching the show. Paul's on but stuck with Meg? And KACK is on?

Soooo. Not. Watching.

But let me just say, Paul? My love? Grab a clue. The woman is risking her life so Craig doesn't catch her and that she can make sure the wedding to Craig happens. I can't figure out for the life of me why Paul and Craig even bother with her.

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I'm watching it now and from everyone's comments I can tell I'm gonna enjoy todays show! I'll be back in an hour or so. Thank God for DVR.

And yeah JJ gets slack from me as well. Parker hasn't been the easiest person to live with for several months now and the guy is just fed up with his brother. I'm sure millions of siblings have been in the same situation. And Faith is jealous/hurt so of course shes going to not be on Parker's side.

Peg... :P

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Jack, after taking care of everyone don't forget to take care of yourself.

OMG! I swear I felt the bile making it's way up my throat.

I know! For a second there I thought he had Turrett's. (sp?)

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Oh wow I'm really like the transition between scenes in this episode and the dialogue. Holden, Lily, Meg, Carly, Katie, and Jack are blowing me away right now. Paul and Babs were cool today as well. But yeah WHY OH WHY did CZP come on set that day talking like that? That lisp was so obvious and a real distraction. I had a hard time enjoying the scenes since I kept noticing it.

Jack looked so scary when he first saw Parker! OMG I felt terrified for the kid. I love the long hair on both him and JJ. I liked how they brought Holden and Lily to the farm since Faith was shot and is their daughter. Love that Carly believes him. Can't wait to see this all come back to bite Jackass in the butt.

"Jack, after taking care of everyone don't forget to take care of yourself" - That was a sweet line IMO. But because it was Katie I doubted its sincerity.

And that Morgan girl was pretty cute too. Not a bad actress either. I can definitely see her becoming a part of the tween scene. I wouldn't mind that at all.

Jade comes back tomorrow! Unfortunately its all about Willen.

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Eh, Kack's in one scene together, if you ignore the later sappy phone call (because Katie is just SO concerned about Faith... *eyeroll*) Can't really help you with Maul....except to say, "I suffer through Kack more than you suffer through Maul...." LOL :) Well, maybe not...at least I have hope that Kack won't even be in scenes together, now that Carly's back. You win, yours sucks more. :lol:

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